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Any Yankees fans?


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they haven't been able to beat the angels over the years so i've just learned to accept it :(

Yanks beat the shit out of them @ home this year

also, losing is one thing but losing the way they did this weekend is another

Yesterday scoring 1 fuckin run with bases loaded and 6 outs is inexcusable

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cano and texiera have been kinda slumping lately. Just seems like they cant put multiple hits together in an inning. always just hitting one run homers.

The pitching lately isn't really helping. Joba needs to go in the bullpen and be the middle reliever. need another* ace.

*that's if you consider CC an ace.

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I have to say, it's been kind of sad watching the yankee's pitching staff collapse. I actually like some of the yankees (jeeter - how can you hate him?), especially petite and it's been painful watching petite struggle.

Although maybe now they finally put to rest the idea that buying pitchers for obscene amounts of money will actually significantly help them win? :)

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I hate Jeeter..he's a phony but I have to admit, he's having a good year and I didn't think he had left in him

also, they bought the WRONG pitcher..should've gotten Santana last year....and Halladay is a remote possibility

and Joba's got stop making excuses and saying he's satisfied with his performances.

He's pitched like SHIT!

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just my impression...he's always try too hard to say the "right" thing..he never goes out on a limb

I love Alex....he's one of the most talented athletes I've ever seen, loves to play the game. plays it with enthusiasm, plays hard, practices hard, hustles

and given his contract, he doesn't have to do any of that

yeah, he's got an " I wanna be loved" complex and loves the spotlight but it doesn't affect his game

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also, they bought the WRONG pitcher..should've gotten Santana last year....and Halladay is a remote possibility

and Joba's got stop making excuses and saying he's satisfied with his performances.

He's pitched like SHIT!

hind sight is always 20/20 but i'm with you on santana. gotta put joba back into that 8th inning slot although hughes is doing well there right now.

yanks aren't playing well against the good teams, at least not yet (0-8 against the sox wtffff?!). i just don't wanna see the angels in the playoffs, we can't ever seem to beat them then....

and as much as we're all hoping for halladay, i think it's extremely doubtful they'll trade him in the division. well, maybe for 4 prospects + joba + hughes.

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just my impression...he's always try too hard to say the "right" thing..he never goes out on a limb

you are a moron, i would have though your age would have gained you some knowledge with a classic sport such as baseball, but it's obvious that not the case, Jeter has been among the 3 best hitters in baseball since 1995, that is not debatable, and he doesnt fade like a year old pair of apc's like arod in october, to call jeter a phony is tantamount to saying you dont like baseball, he does the right things on and off the field, plays defense, does charity work, and fucks all the hottest women in hollywood. if you don't like him fine, but don't come through with that pussy ass, oh he's phony because he doesn't make public fool of himself like pacman jones or some other.

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That's how I felt. He's an undeniably good player (.316 career avg, over 1000 career RBIs, 10x all-star, 3 time gold-glover), and is always a class act (played with one team since he started, which is a rare thing these days especially for someone of his talent).

My only criticisms are of his stupid fucking TV commercials ("That jeter, he's got an edge" "Yeah, I got mine in black" <rimshot>)

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and another yankees/jeter stat because i'm a stat junky, since jeters first full season(1996) no player in baseball has as many hits as him from that time till now, the second place guy happens to be johnny damon and he's behimd by 100+ hits

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learn to read: I never said Jeter wasn't a good ball player. I said I think he is a phony. I'm a moron for having an opinion and an impression? He makes a habit of trying to say the PC correct thing and constantly thinking about his image.. He avoids all team controversy to protect himself and as a member of a team you need your leader to be a stand up guy.

just another stat for ya...check out how many double plays he hits into

and, the new house he's building on that Florida island is soooo fuckin' ridiculous

BTW, they ALL do charity work

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no, you're a moron for calling him a phony, because he says the right things. Let me guess, he's supposed to open his mouth on everything a la curt schilling because everyone loves that fucking tool, or he's he's suppose to sully his name to deflect the attention from cheaters and frauds such as arod and giambi. Name one giant who stood and claimed the leadership role in the shroud of bonds, or dodger who stepped up in manny's shroud? Your just nitpicking jeter to satisfy bogus and unfounded opinions. Let's be clear here, just because it's your opinion doesn't make you or it any less stupid. And to be totally honest your reasoning is totally fucking juvenile and borderline retarded, the only real difference between arod, who you happen to claim you like because of his alleged "imperfections" and jeter is the fact that jeter say the things he says to be truthful 99% of the time while arod says these things to hide his adulterous and cheating tendencies.

and you know something really funny smart guy, here's the list of top 5 guys who hit into double plays for their career

1 Cal Ripken 350

2 Hank Aaron 328

3 Carl Yastrzemski 323

4 Dave Winfield 319

5 Eddie Murray 316

HELLO COOPERSTOWN, next time you try address me on the subject of baseball make sure you are WELL VERSED in the subject matter

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no, you wanna know something smarter?

quoting stats for baseball is asinine. of all sports, baseball is the worst for using stats as a barometer.

why you ask?

lemme tall you...

of all sports, it's the only sport not played on a uniform field....dimensions are different including foul ground....ask batters in Oakland how many at bats they've lost cuz of the amount of foul ground there..ask the Mets about HRs in Citifield compared to the new YS.

also, batters performance is in direct correlation to who hits in front of and in back of them

Jeter has been blessed to play for the $200 million +Yankees, he has always been surrounded by talent that makes his job easier

who da fuck cares that Arod cheats on his wife....you gonna marry Jeter?

don't lecture me about baseball. I've played it on a very, very high level and have been a Yankees fan you close to 50 years.

go talk shit to your Kingsbridge Rd friends or play in the resevoir..or better yet blow Jeter

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you always seem to have done something at high level when the argument applies, whether it baseball or fashion, both of which are highly questionable. And thanks for following my post to know i grew up in kingsbridge/washington heights and for knocking the area, the same placed that produced manny ramirez and countless other baseball prospects. How fitting you now decide that stats are totally irrelevant now that used one to counterpoint my argument only to be proven foolish again. Aditionally, dont fucking venture to lecture me about the subtleties and nuances of baseball because unlike your story fabricating self, i've played pro ball, somewhat recently in the minors. please quit that, he's had talent around him to hit argument, because anybody with half a brain and some knowledge of baseball knows that only applies to power hitters, but it doesn't matter because once again you bring up x amount of years you been doing xyz and yet again you only prove yourself to be prententious neophyte in every sense of the word

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and, the real difference between Jeter and Arod is physical talent

And this cements your foolishness, because anyone who knows baseball would know that physical dominance and pure athleticism is hardly the barometer to measure baseball talent

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I hate to say it sonic, but the fact that SO many games are played each year kind of offsets the issue of the stadiums having different attributes. Especially once you are looking at sample sizes of many years. It's hard to argue about a .316 batting average over 162+ games a year over 10 years... He's seen every stadium many, many times.

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.I never brought up stats and i never knocked your hood. I was born and raised in da Bx......and, I was drafted....late but i was drafted..had enuf sense to know not to bother.....and it doesn't only apply to power hitters..how can you score runs if nobody gets a knock....and how can you get a knock if no one is on base

I only brought up the dps after your barrage of stats

one more thing. I could give a fuck if you believe anything I say about anything

hey, it's cool like whoever da fuck ya want and call me a moron for not liking him....par for this board


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