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old dog new tricks


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Ever notice how older people wear hats much more naturally than younger kids.

Cousin was getting married a while back.

Aunts and Mom were arguing.

What's grandma gonna wear??

Nobody's seen her in anything but a floral house dress and slippers in like 43 years.

Buy her this.

Buy her that.

Take her here, take her there.

Grandma pretends not hear.

"Go here and pick up my outfit."

Later she slips me an address. "He already knows what I want."

"You're going to get me in trouble." I say.

"Don't worry, just make sure you don't forget my hat,

or you'll have to go back.

At the wedding,

Twirls, twice.

Shimmy left and right.


"Nice hat Grandma."

"Isn't it?"

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I wish I had the discipline to write a novel.

Instead I made a kool aid thread.


The other grandma, the white one,

she's got that church clothes sunday style.

every day is easter, if its not kentucky derby.

gloves, hats, always one too many layers,

but never breaking a sweat.

lemonade for breakfast and a gin tonic lunch.

serves them with lobster, maybe a pie

of course she didn't make.

its porcelain plates on a fold out bridge table.

cruises in the cadillac like its macy's day

on main street.

waving at little kids and scowling at old ladies.

been 60 for 10 years, probably 60 more to go.

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I wish I had the discipline to write a novel.

Instead I made a kool aid thread.


The other grandma, the white one,

she's got that church clothes sunday style.

every day is easter, if its not kentucky derby.

gloves, hats, always one too many layers,

but never breaking a sweat.

lemonade for breakfast and gin and tonics for lunch.

serves them with lobster and a pie

of course she didn't make.

its porcelain plates on a fold out bridge table.

cruises in the cadillac like its macy's day

on main street.

waving at little kids and scowling at old ladies.

been 60 for 10 years, probably 60 more to go.

Wow, well said.


Lucille Bluth concept?

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Never knew grandpa really well.

He was boarding school. Cape Cod.

Gingham. Seersucker.

Drank scotch and smelled like cigarettes

even though you never saw him smoking.

He loved grandma the most, then his car,

his dog, then maybe Dad, the celtics, and

his daughters.

Talked like sandpaper,

coarse, but not mean.

sneaking kids candy and flirting

with anyone who'd listen.

"You want to play a game?"

He asked me, shuffling the cards.


Climb all the way up his leg, to the top of that grandpa chair throne.

Everything looks different from up here.

"Games called 52 pick up,

now watch close or you'll miss it."


Card confetti, right there in the living room.

Then, straightfaced: "There's 52. Now pick em up boy."

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