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501xx 1947 Vs.

Seething Tortoise

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I'm getting prepped to buy a pair of LVC 501xx from the guy I mentioned in this thread (when he relists them anyway):


Just wondering if anyone has any pictures of the Levi's 501xx 47's with them on?

I know they're quite slim fitting, but I'd like to know how much before I buy a pair, or if I decide to go with a slightly more baggier version. I'm looking for a fit that's kinda like a the nudie straight sven (going on how they look on pictures), give or take a little on the fit.

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Looking for "501xx 1947", the only picture I could find with them on were these:


If it's anything like that it should be great. Looking at the new standards, that looks good also though. A proper visual aid or suggestions to another slightly more like the APC rescues/SS would be awesome though.

Thanks so far Kixslf.

Edit: I think I'm going to get some 1944's. They seem more straight legged than the 47's, maybe a bit big on the ass. So, just one last question, are the 33's and 37's slightly slimmer overall than the 44's?

Edited by Tabris on Jan 23, 2006 at 07:30 PM

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i've got a pair in size 30 waist, and i'm a true 30.

the waist is fine, but the legs are really slim on me. granted, i have bigger thighs so thats probably why, but i'd say the thigh width is about the same as the APC new standard, but maybe a little wider at the base of the leg.

incidentally, since they don't fit me i'm selling. let me know if you're interested, 34 lenght, basically brand new.


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Thanks for the offer Nairb. But I'm a true 32x32 ^_^;;

I think I'm going to get some 44's instead for now, and buy some 47's in a couple of months time. They seem a little looser all around and less tapered unless someone can contest to that (I'm not too sure).

So, just as one last question, since I can't find 34x36 44's at the moment (to allow for shrinkage etc.). Should I get the 34x34 or the 36x36 (Using Shrinkage as a factor, so one will be around 32x31/2 and the other will be 34x33/4)? If anyone knows the measurement of the seat or whatever it is between the top of the waist to the bottom of the crotch would be helpful.


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yes, the 44s are definitely a less slim fit.

What complicates all of this is that LVC varies sizing in different models - the waist of a 47 WILL be sized smaller than that of a 44.

Edited by Paul T on Jan 24, 2006 at 10:35 AM

--- Original message by Paul T on Jan 24, 2006 10:35 AM

Okay, so that made the sizing thing a bit harder.

If I'm a true 32x32 and I'm looking for a decent fit after shrinkage, maybe with a bit of extra length for cuffs I should get a....(A sizing comparison/guide type thing would be helpful :( )

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Mmm. Well, I'm probably a true 31 31. The 47s, in a 34 34 are more like a 33 waist, and after one soak have shrunk to about 32 33.

The 1933s I had in 34 34 were more like 35 34, and shrank t 33 or maybe more. If you're a true 32 I would go for the 34W in the 47s and - if you can get them - I suspect you might be better off with a 33W in the 44. With both, if you're happy with a 1 inch cuff, I think you'l get away with a 34L. But, unfortunately, they do differ from season to season, so I would ask your dealer to give you an exact measurement.

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Thanks for the replies and pictures. I'd seen them around before in searching, but thanks for posting them :)

Just looking at the sizing (32x34) I was thinking, if I soak the jeans for a couple of hours so it starts to shrink, then put them on when damp. Would it be possible to stretch the leg out whilst it's damp? And would I have to keep that up in future soakings.


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