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Anyone know of a good peacoat?


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I've been looking around at for peacoats for a while, and I can understand your situation. Your faced with buying either a real, Navy peacoat (i'm refering to the branch of military) or you can go with a fashion brand. There is a major difference between the ones fashion brands make, and the real thing. Mainly, The "real" ones are THICK a yard of the wool used to make the outer shell weighs 2 pounds. compared to most Fashion labels which are usually around 1 pound, sometimes a little more. I can tell you most of the real peacoats will also be fairly slim, provided you get the proper size. I think this is just part of the original design. Anyway, If you're interested in getting a fairly official peacoat, I'd check out Schott NYC, I heard they make jackets for the coast guard, But I could be wrong. They seem like a pretty good company, but I've never owned one of their jackets (they're most known for leather) Maybe someone else can chime in on that. Other than that, I'd say check out a Military Surplus store. You may think because it's military stuff it's crappy, But Believe it or not the quality is usually rediculous. Especially on outerwear.

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I'm pretty partial towards this one:


gotta have it nice and fitted

--- Original message by big balla on Jan 1, 2006 01:45 PM

looks nice but its 100% cotton... if he's looking for a winter jacket, it better be 100% wool or cashmere
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That cloak peacoat is fabolous. A peacoat really should be form fitting, but have enough space for you to wear a sweater under. I purchased a Theory peacoat this season from Saks and am loving it.

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thats insane. i cant imagine spending more than like, $200 on any ONE piece of clothing. i suppose its all relative though.

i just couldnt drop $1000 knowing that could get me like, 7 or 8 awesome pairs of jeans, or a grip of tshirts.

the military issue pea coats are less than $200 but still a lot, and I can't find one small enough for me (im 150lbs 5'10'')...

i wanna check out the theory ones but i bet those are expensive too.

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thats insane. i cant imagine spending more than like, $200 on any ONE piece of clothing. i suppose its all relative though.

i just couldnt drop $1000 knowing that could get me like, 7 or 8 awesome pairs of jeans, or a grip of tshirts.

the military issue pea coats are less than $200 but still a lot, and I can't find one small enough for me (im 150lbs 5'10'')...

i wanna check out the theory ones but i bet those are expensive too.

--- Original message by shagnscoob on Jan 5, 2006 01:13 AM

you wouldn't purchase a suit?
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thats insane. i cant imagine spending more than like, $200 on any ONE piece of clothing. i suppose its all relative though.

i just couldnt drop $1000 knowing that could get me like, 7 or 8 awesome pairs of jeans, or a grip of tshirts.

the military issue pea coats are less than $200 but still a lot, and I can't find one small enough for me (im 150lbs 5'10'')...

i wanna check out the theory ones but i bet those are expensive too.

--- Original message by shagnscoob on Jan 5, 2006 01:13 AM

you wouldn't purchase a suit?

--- Original message by cchen on Jan 5, 2006 01:29 AM

well youve pointed out an obvious flaw in my logic hahaha i dont have a suit though so that might have something to do with it.

if i needed a suit that bad i would probably wear it a lot. but this is bringing up a much larger issue of stingyness... why buy dior or whatever when you can get very similar items for much cheaper? not everything i know, and theres a certain exclusivity that comes with owning something from cloak or dior or bape or what have you but still...

i honestly would NOT mind spending $1500 on a dior suit or whatever, except that i dont have $1500. show me a suit as good looking and the same quality but cheaper and id be tempted to buy that as well.

its all up to how exclusive you really want to be. a suit has more than one piece though, and is generally a lot more expensive anyway. but your right, you caught me in a tight spot ;)

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I saw this one on a Yahoo.jp auction and quite liked it. Anyone know anything about the label (Hare)?



Auction's here if anyone's interested: http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g37056398

--- Original message by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Jan 4, 2006 10:05 PM

This is one of the finest looking Pilot Coats I have ever seen. I absolutely LOVE how it looks buttoned to the top like that.

Anyways, if you're looking for something cheap...just google them. Lots of different military surplus websites sell them for roughly 70-200 bucks. Just a thought.

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  • 8 months later...

First of all I really dig this one from rakuten (thanks to waywt from digital denim) http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.rakuten.co.jp/super-rag/&prev=/search?q=super+rag+rakuten&hl=en&lr=

Basically love the convertable collar: img10453770297wj0.jpg

But I've also been looking at this one comme des garcons pea/caban coat at Barneys. It fits great but there's one wierd thing about it: armpit vents. Like they only sewed the shoulder half of where the sleeves connect and left the armpit half un-connected. Very strange. I'll try to get phone pics of this sucker later on at Barneys... cuz I can't find it anywhere online.

What do you think about this? Do you think that's a fashion forward thing that might have functionality? Or is it frivolous and bordering on stupid?

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