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your 2009 predictions.


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Barack will follow in the path of one of the following three former democratic examples...

JFK: Barack attempts massive change. Attempts to take money out of pockets of people with guns. Guns win.

Jimmy Carter: Barack attempts massive change. Total idealogue. Doesn't have force of personality to pull it through. Staff turns on him. World events kick him. Wildly unpopular and causes 20 years of conservative backlash.

Clinton: Barack attempts change. Takes money from everybody. Times magazine puts his face on cover with title "incredible shrinking president". Hires republican strategists and moves the center. Leaves wildly popular, but didn't actually accomplish anything. Hates gays.

Prediction for myself: Quits smoking... permanently this time.

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I'll be starting a superior invite only fashion webstore site/portal that allows users to sell/buy their clothing at no commission to compete against the shitiness that is supermarket.

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^ can I sell my MIJ 19cms? can I sell my size one julius leather jacket? ( I thought size 1 = M)?? can I bump multiple times a day? can I not send goods and just keep other peoples cash?

It's invite only, so you're not invited.

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More institutions and businesses we have known all our lives will topple. The few remaning corporations will consolidate in desparation and wealth will be further concentrated to fewer people.

The current palestine-israel battle is merely the tip of the iceberg. Expect it to embolden neighbors, I expect some sort of full scale war erupting. With US, Russia and China all playing their role with proxies.

Discontent and ethnic rivalries among immigrant populations in Europe will escalate into many more riots; far more destructive than we have seen so far.

The growing Mexican populations in southern and western US and their conflicts with the black community will boil over into war on the streets.

Gas prices here will reach below 1 dollar. Expect huge surge of truck and SUV sales among the shortsighted Americans. When the wars in the Middle East escalate, gas will hit 6 dollars and beyond. The tears of fat whining Americans will be delicious.

And last but not least - the caldera under Yellowstone will erupt. Good bye civilization as we know it.


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For those who do not understand the gravity of the situation we face:


everything within the radius of that circle dies instantly from the eruption. Outside of that circle you will see ash as high as a foot deep reaching NYC, Mexico and Canada. The entire food production and energy supplies of the USA falls instantly.

Thats merely the beginning though. The bigger catastrophe will be the global ice-age triggered by the ash blocking out the sun. Food production worldwide will fall to a mere fraction, billions will die.

The long-term effects would be even more devastating. The thousands of cubic kilometres of ash that would shoot into the atmosphere could block out light from the sun, making global temperatures plummet. This is called a nuclear winter. As during the Sumatra eruption a large percentage of the world's plant life would be killed by the ash and drop in temperature. Also, virtually the entire of the grain harvest of the Great Plains would disappear in hours, as it would be coated in ash. Similar effects around the world would cause massive food shortages. If the temperatures plummet by the 21 degrees they did after the Sumatra eruption the Yellowstone super volcano eruption could truly be an extinction level event.

Buy guns and canned food, not jawns.
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For those who do not understand the gravity of the situation we face:


everything within the radius of that circle dies instantly from the eruption. Outside of that circle you will see ash as high as a foot deep reaching NYC, Mexico and Canada. The entire food production and energy supplies of the USA falls instantly.

Thats merely the beginning though. The bigger catastrophe will be the global ice-age triggered by the ash blocking out the sun. Food production worldwide will fall to a mere fraction, billions will die.

wow..... thats a bad prediction you have there. what conjured this horrible prediction?

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