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heading out boxing day?


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its cold up here in toronto. Was going to spend my boxing day at nyc but my trip was cancelled. I did my boxing day spree last year down at the queens area and eatons and it was pretty fly. usual spots (GDFT, formerly known Vice, noise, etc). This year? not that sure; this year is colder then I expected. Anyone doing boxing day spree? or were just to damn lazy to get our ass down to the stores and wait to get in the store and wait to check out...i pretty have an idea what I want to get...

-don't hate, appreciate-

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im doing boxing day for sure.. i already have an idea what to get too except for winter boots.

I've been wearin my old Clarks wallabees for a while now and it's just not warm enough for the cold weather here in Canada. I need some boots idea..

I've thought about getting a pair of those new visvim mocassin boots but i aint headin to HK this winter. anyone know spots in toronto that might carry them ? i heard they are a lot warmer than clarks. (true / not ? warm enough for winter in canada ?)

if no stores in t.dot, any good online shops recommendations that ship worldwide (to canada) ?

Edited by infamous on Dec 21, 2005 at 10:38 PM

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I'm just gonna head out to different sneaker boutiques to see if they have anything on sale. I'm not willing to pay 130+ for air maxes

--- Original message by DJ_Flame on Dec 23, 2005 08:26 AM

Why not? Isn't that what they go for? If your not willing why not check out a Nike outlet? I saw some cheap AMs there.

my favourite things


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