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website building?


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learn html and css and once you know what your progam is making and the ins and outs of the scirpting behind it THEN download a WYSIWG (what you see is what you get) editor like Go-Live or Dreamweaver (preferred).

A lot of dummies don't know what their program is making and it ends up biting them in the ass later.

- drew

eusgro drender

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I just had a bit of a crack on notepad, thanks guys.....Im into it now. You can open your notepad and see what it looks like. You are polly right mosdrew, best to learn the insides first


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Agreed. Grab an HTML book and notepad and get cracking. Programs like Go-Live, Dreamweaver, Microsoft frontpage are notorious for adding "program" specific tags, extra code, javascript functions, etc., etc., that when you try to change your code later aren't fully removed correctly and just F*cks up the pages. Microsoft is notorious for this B*llshit. Learn HTML solid and then you don't need any of the those programs...

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I found this, it sums it up nicley

" The key factor in Web development is designing for your target audience. While I do not preach the purist line that all Webpages will be written to the "HTML Standard", I do suggest that any reasonable Web page should be able to be viewed as the author intends in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, the two most commonly used browser packages. I suggest that you have both of these browsers installed to check that your Webpages are"browser-proof".

Additionally, you will need a basic text editor, such as Notepad, and a graphics package capable of saving images in gif and jpg formats, such as Paintshop Pro.

That's it! You don't need anything else. Certainly, there are WYSIWYG editors and developer tools also, but one day you'll get a glitch in your code, with a deadline to meet, and if you can't write it straight in by hand as code you'll regret it - I assure you. Dreamweaver is a far more powerful tool when its in the hands of a knowledgeable operator. Walk first - run like hell later!"


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