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Black windbreakers or light rain jackets help


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Anybody got any suggestions for some good quality ones with a snugger fit? I'd like for it to be nylon/polyester, light, with a hood, and something I can throw on in any kind of weather.

I was thinking of going with a windshirt by Marmot, which has a hood and can be used as a light raincoat, but I have no idea how it fits since I can only find it online.


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  • 4 months later...


Rain Shadow Jacket from patagonia is my favorite hands down. I hope its not to tech for you, but ive had the older version for like 4+ years and wear it to death, and its held up so well. I wear it every time if fly because it keeps me temperature controlled and its also like a big ziploc barrier against everything nasty that my ocd cant handle. Its so packable, great for almost any kind of weather, good to ride bikes in, etc. Super waterproof/windproof yet still breathes out.

i just picked up a second one this season w/ my employee discount and they changed them up a bunch since my last one- the current ones are much slimmer, but also a little more sporty vs. a basic windbreaker. (the newer ones also have a bit more sheen, my old black one was very flat). they are still made so that you can wear a hoody underneath, etc, but the arms are fitted and it hits properly at the shoulders, and has a drawstring at the base to snug it up if you need it to. Its a proper fit i guess, you dont want a nylon jacket to get too slim fitting.

I cant hang w/ north face, etc, but give patagonia a 10 on all areas. Ive slammed on it skating, etc and its still ticking.

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