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APC preworn/trade in


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not only is this old news, it's also dumb. last time i was in there the dude told me that they have to be unwashed/soaked and they have to decide whether or not they want them in the first place. if they do decide they want them they knock the price of a new pair in half, big fuckin deal .. i'd rather keep a pair of jeans that i have cared for for almost a year and pay full price for a new pair then give them up and still have to fork over another 75 bucks to get a pair.

also, the retail on those "butler" jeans was around $250.00 if i recall.

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I got a pair that were only dry cleaned once in 2 years but they weren't heavily worn so there isn't a huge amount of wear.

They don't fit anymore so I might try this trade-in thing.

the point of them taking the jeans is to take the pairs that are well worn and faded, because they appeal to people. they dont just take random people's old beat up apcs that they dont want anymore.

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So they basically get to sell your old pair twice, charging almost double the second time, and they charge you for a new pair. Pretty genius business plan.

The best part about this? Not only did I post about this a while ago, but when I was there a few months ago,the SA was going on and on about how they were getting gobbled up. The best part, he then pointed to the APCs I was wearing and went something along the lines of "Oh wow we'd gladly take those", while I'm looking at him, mouth agape, thinking of the $250.00 price tag.

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The best part about this? Not only did I post about this a while ago, but when I was there a few months ago,the SA was going on and on about how they were getting gobbled up. The best part, he then pointed to the APCs I was wearing and went something along the lines of "Oh wow we'd gladly take those", while I'm looking at him, mouth agape, thinking of the $250.00 price tag.

yeah, when i talked to one of the SA's, i happened to mention how i had a pair that were worn for over a year with no washes/soaks and he wouldn't leave me alone about them. it was borderline creepy.

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