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FS: D&G Shirt / Dior Homme FW05 Shirt


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I love the Dior Homme shirt, but I don't think I can pull it off

it's a very stylish shirt indeed....

forgot to mention that if you live in the Chicago or Milwaukee area you can come take a look at it....

and I'm also open to offers.....


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hi, offer you 225 shipped for dior homme shirt

as i posted, the dior homme shirt is pending....

meaning that somebody is already interested and confirmed they will buy..

regardless, your offer is way too low for me...


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Attention please. To avoid any confusion, this guy selling under the name "couturehomme" is not me, I am the "couture_homme" seller from eBay and this guy is using a similar name (only with no space) to confuse people. The three items he is selling here are fakes. The labels on all of these are wrong. Note the stitching on the Dolce Gabbana shirt and the wrong fabric tags, and the hologram tag with no hologram. On the Dior shirt he is selling look at the label. The silver Dior tag is stitched incorrectly. It should be stitched up the sides or with one stitch in each corner with the stitch extending past the corner, also the stitches are much too long on this guy's fake shirt. The Gucci jacket this guy is selling is pretty obviously fake, you can see the cheap quality of the materials and the lining in the pictures. Also the labels and tags are incorrect, as is the Ittierre label. For further information about identifying fakes please check out my blog: http://fakehunter.blogspot.com ...and please do not confuse me with this guy. I only ever sell authentic pieces. Remember it is couture_homme, with an underscore.



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wow dude....

thanks a lot for the slander....

you and the others who flood eBay (samtheman, **thejean, e.t.c) really uphold your reputation of calling everybody's items (outside of your own) fakes....yes, you want to dominate the market so this is what you do....

good job...

yes, you trademarked the name 'couture homme' and anybody using it is trying to confuse and trick people.....i guess I have royalties to pay to you.....

you can read each and every one of my posts.....i have NEVER referenced eBay or claimed to be affiliated with you....

you know everything and all items (especially Dior Homme) have the exact same tags with the exact same stitching as you describe (except your own of course).....

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It is not slander, it's the truth.

The Dior labels are never stitched like that, the text on the Dior label is also off. Feel free to get a second (3rd party) opinion from anyone in the msn Dior Homme forum at: http://groups.msn.com/diorhomme All three of the pieces are obviously fakes, you only have to compare them to the real thing to see that.

I also have a discussion forum linked to my FakeHunter blog. I always give my honest opinion based on my years of experience with designer clothing. I appreciate all of the sellers on eBay who sell authentic clothing and would never slander them. eBay would be much better off if there were more of them... and it would be better for my business because it would increase buyer confidence. This is why I started my blog, to arm buyers with the information they need so they can buy confidently on eBay and elsewhere online, knowing they are getting the real deal.

Another eBay member emailed me to tell me you were selling fakes under my name on Superfuture. Though it's technically not the same name because you have no space, I don't want people to buy from you thinking it's me. I never sell fakes and I have a reputation to maintain. I would greatly appreciate it if you chose another name that would not be as potentially misleading.

I didn't mean to anger you but I hope you can see my point of view.


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