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Favorite Photographers

Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

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joel-peter witkin. nan goldin. julius schulman. atget. adams. terry richardson. lee friedlander. max vadukul. sally mann. lucas samaras. stieglitz. lynn davis. ellen von unwerth. jock sturges. dewey nicks. daguerre. deiter appelt. frank hurley's photos of shackleton's endurance expedition.

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I love street(ish) photography, so it'll post what I'm feelin' lately...

Boogie - http://www.artcoup.com/

Steve Liss - http://digitaljournalist.org/issue0510/liss_intro.html

Martin Amis - http://www.lifeshots.co.uk/

Sally Mann - http://www.art-forum.org/z_Mann/gallery.htm

Antonin Kratochvil - http://www.billcharles.com/kratochvil/kratochvil_1.htm

Noé Montes - http://phpr.net/

Corey Arnold - http://www.coreyfishes.com/

I could go on for days too but... Maybe I'll post more later...


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edward burtynsky, cartier-bresson, floria sigismondo (okay, basically anything she does...), and a shitload of contemporary photojournalists.

--- Original message by canice on Nov 14, 2005 09:18 PM

I worked a show for Floria Sigismondi years back when she opened @ Mocca in Toronto, very nice person. One of my favorite shows, really great pieces.
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Good call on Koudelka (his stuff with an X-pan from the last ten or so years has been mindblowing) and Kratochvil

I went to the first VII workshop in Boston earlier this year and Antonin is crazy. I got to be in a group discussion with Antonin and Joachim, and the two just talked shit to eachother the entire time. It was hilarious to listen to Antonin bash Joachim for starting the new dainish photojournalism trend.

Great work:

Ilkka Uimonen



Phillip Jones Griffiths


David Alan-Harvey


ill do some more when i get bored

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Man, VII workshop sounded really good Carl icon_smile_big.gif

Here are some faves,

Robert Doisneau, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Jame Nachtwey, Alex Webb, Platon, Bernhard Edmaier, Armin Linke, Steve McCurry, Chris Steele-Perkins, Rene Burri, Wener Bischcof, Armin Linke, Arnold Newman, Marc Riboud, David Alan Harvey

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It was the first workshop held by the members of VII. It was in Boston earlier this year, end of april i think. I went there with some fellow students from school.

The entire gang was there, Greenfield, Morris, Boulat, etc.

They showed lots of work, discussed current and future problems in photojournalism, answered hundreds of questions, and made themselves available for group discussion. It was a fabulous experince, other then the fact i practically slept through the entire set of presentations the first day due to driving all night from Kentucky.

If there is ever one even remotely close to you i would reccomend it greatly.

Anyone else thinking about going to the Atlanta Photojournalism seminar on dec. 2nd and 3rd?

Edited by Carl on Nov 15, 2005 at 08:43 PM

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