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Favorite Photographers

Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

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  • 9 months later...
  canice said:
some of the greatest photographers used simple point and shoots. but SLRs allow you the freedom and flexibility to control every aspect of exposure. if you're just starting out, using an SLR forces you to learn how photography and cameras work.

i wish they had specific photojournalism programs in canada... it sounds exactly like what i was looking for after i graduated from high school. i ended up going into print journalism because there isn't a single place in the entire country that offers something like that.

Most of the "best" classic photographers used rangefinders, notably from Leica. The Rolleiflex was another favored option especially for Arbus who used a Wide Angle Rollei. That camera was on display at that Revelations retrospective the MOMA had a few years ago.

Personally, I don't like SLRs as they're rather bulky, and indiscreet. I'm quite satisfied with my Rolleiflex 3.5 and Leica Screwmount.

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  Carl said:
Vitamin - You know so much about photography ive noticed, do you shoot? And if so you need to start fucking posting in the photo thread!

Im off Sufu!


a 4 day weekend of schmooze and booze awaits!

he does, you've asked before, he's already posted his stuff in the thread :D



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carl i really think we like alot of the same photojournalists so i second the chris anderson recommendation he's amazing

also david alan harvey, i can't say enough about the guy, met him a few years ago and he was an amazing guy really turned me onto the one camera, lens, film deal, love all his work especially divided soul. i think i did like 2 presentations and a paper on that in the past 3 years at school

i love ryan mcginley's work aswell, a lot of people talk shit but his stuff is fun and free. his photos of the olympic swimmers were amazing

I'm not a huge fan of his photos but hcb's writing on photography is amazing i recommend the decisive moment if you can find it and the minds eye

for personal stuff http://asnell.blogspot.com

i started out as a photojournalism major and loved my photo classes but hated every other required journalism class bc it was a journalism major with a photojournalism track, I wasn't all about the push push push newpaper photo thing. I really rather being carefree about it and more personal, so i got out of that switched to advertising but i still take the photo classes when i can

i shoot a yashica t4 thats with me all the time with either kodak uc 400 or ilford hp4 sometimes i throw in some trix or slide film

and i shoot a canon 20d with 20mm 2.8 lens for anything i'm getting paid for or assignment type stuff

everybody needs to post they're personal stories about what they shoot and why etc.

anybody going to the festival of the photograph in charlottesville virginia,?

dah, eugene richards, sally mann, william albert allard, alex web, maggie steber and many others will be there


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  • 2 weeks later...

how come everybody only talks about cartier-bresson?

what about the other magnum founders...david seymour and robert capa? i've been flipping through books of their work and i'm especially struck by david seymour's photography of children.

pardon my ignorance in this respect, i'm only exploring.

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  tweedlesinpink said:
how come everybody only talks about cartier-bresson?

what about the other magnum founders...david seymour and robert capa? i've been flipping through books of their work and i'm especially struck by david seymour's photography of children.

pardon my ignorance in this respect, i'm only exploring.

Because Cartier-bresson emodies many people's sense of what photography is and should be. I also find that his work is accesible to a wide range of people with varying interest in photography as such.

It should also be noted that he was close with and photographed many notables and celebrities of the time.

Those are some real quick answers.

I would also venture to say that he was a better photographer than Seymour or either of the Capa's. But that's me.

And lastly...you're not ignorant. No need for pardon.

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makes sense

seymour in particular does intrigue me, as i said with his eye for children and childlike qualities. capa not so much. but either way i was just wondering...fair enough answer, RBW.

perhaps it's no coincidence then that when i returned from cambodia last year a large portion of my snaps were all of children. hopefully when i go back this time i will be slightly improved in terms of skills, equipment as well as philosophy...

any other photographers i could check out who have some work in the same spirit?

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Because Cartier-bresson emodies many people's sense of what photography is and should be. I also find that his work is accesible to a wide range of people with varying interest in photography as such.

It should also be noted that he was close with and photographed many notables and celebrities of the time.

Those are some real quick answers.

I would also venture to say that he was a better photographer than Seymour or either of the Capa's. But that's me.


I think comparing the capas to hcb is really hard. hcb was more about the art while the capas at least robert was about the action hence him being the only photographer at dday and his famous picture so the spanish civil war.

since i'm a huge david alan harvey groupie here's a link to a little thing on his blog about it. kinda. http://davidalanharvey.typepad.com/road_trip/2007/04/art_and_commerc.html

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  tweedlesinpink said:
how come everybody only talks about cartier-bresson?

what about the other magnum founders...david seymour and robert capa? i've been flipping through books of their work and i'm especially struck by david seymour's photography of children.

pardon my ignorance in this respect, i'm only exploring.

He's also the one to pen The Decisive Moment and his work reflects his obsession with it.

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  Carl said:
Christopher Anderson is a mother fucking badass!

Gaza strip:


Great photos just not crazy about the obvious dodge on the kids face. Great photo and that nutty dodge just has me seeing the tech flaw. I'm sure the photographer would have presented it much different. Thats what happens when you let others finish your vision.

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  • 1 year later...


jeanne dunning


gregory crewdson


charlie white


daniela rosella


JeongMee Yoon


Hank Willis Thomas

hope some of these might be of interest to you 1m, though they're not really in the same vein...btw la chapelle is having a show @ tony shafrazi sept 12 - oct 24 i believe

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...

1 Henri Cartier Bresson:


2. Robert Frank :


3.Jules Aarons :


4.William Eggleston:


Richard Avedon:

cliche, hype, but still worth mentioning IMO

Michael Kennedy/Passport to Trespass:


I could spend hours on flickr though. I really love the WPA photographers, I love warhol's polaroids. I appreciate the power players like ansel adams, but i get bored looking at landscapes. I love Thomas Abercrombie's work for National Geographic, really anything from about 53-65 in National Geographic is amazing to me as it was all Anscochrome,Ektachrome,and Kodachrome so the colors are really saturated, and they are staged very much like LIFE only in color.

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