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Who is watching the Canadian Prime Ministerial debate tonight?


Who should win this clusterfuck of an election?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should win this clusterfuck of an election?

    • Liberal (Stephane Dion)
    • New Democratic Party (Jack Layton)
    • Stephen Harper (Convervatives)
    • Bloc Quebequois (Gilles Duceppe)
    • Green Party (Elizabeth May)
    • What in the fuck is a prime minister?

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haha ^, the kid is obviously a complete joke. he can slander me all he wants if that makes him happy, maybe its low self-esteem or something along those lines. regardless if you cant have a civilized debate then theres something wrong with you. I dont know why your so extremely defensive but you should probably give your head a shake and take a pill... seriously.

excellent point, thank you for addressing the point that we are not, in fact, the Asian Environment Police.

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you're a real hero huh? I have my opinions you have yours. which is great. I have a family to take care of and you just go back to sleeping in daddys basement. One day you'll get out there, until then stop being an arrogant know it all, oh and btw... stay online and keep patrolling this thread its needs a troll like you.

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you're a real hero huh? I have my opinions you have yours. which is great. I have a family to take care of and you just go back to sleeping in daddys basement. One day you'll get out there, until then stop being an arrogant know it all, oh and btw... stay online and keep patrolling this thread its needs a troll like you.

jesus, you're voting and breeding?

there's a scary thought. look pal, I'm not sure what me living at home has to do with anything (I think a lot of students do it), but I assure you I'm not a troll. The statements you make are literally tantamount to saying "Well, China is a huge human rights violator, so what difference does it make if Canada violates human rights too? Go talk to China, they're worse." We're Canada, not China, so we worry about what we do. If you can't understand that than yes, you are stupid. Furthermore, we're not a global power, and won't be anytime soon, but we can attempt to lead by example. If Canada can be among the first nations to wean off of a non-renewable resource for our energy consumption needs, wouldn't that be a good thing (as opposed to, oh...I don't know...just waiting until there's no other choice?) I'm not suggesting that a vote for Harper is a vote for human rights violations and pollution (I don't like him, but my girlfriend and her dad do, and they're okay by me), I'm just suggesting you take a more considered and critical approach to what parties actually have to say, instead of just spouting the kind of blindfolded right wing rhetoric I'd expect to hear on O'Reilly Factor.

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