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Who is watching the Canadian Prime Ministerial debate tonight?


Who should win this clusterfuck of an election?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should win this clusterfuck of an election?

    • Liberal (Stephane Dion)
    • New Democratic Party (Jack Layton)
    • Stephen Harper (Convervatives)
    • Bloc Quebequois (Gilles Duceppe)
    • Green Party (Elizabeth May)
    • What in the fuck is a prime minister?

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whoever votes ndp.. wow... from what I understand layton actually wants to 'shut down' oil production in alberta (tar sands) now tell me what keeps this countries economy stable? and what kind of retard focus' their campaign around creating a new tax (dion - liberals). And how does elizabeth may get off calling canadians morons? she isnt the smartest one sitting around that table thats forsure.

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whoever votes ndp.. wow... from what I understand layton actually wants to 'shut down' oil production in alberta (tar sands) now tell me what keeps this countries economy stable? and what kind of retard focus' their campaign around creating a new tax (dion - liberals). And how does elizabeth may get off calling canadians morons? she isnt the smartest one sitting around that table thats forsure.

Hi Mr. Harper...arent' you supposed to be at a press conference?

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agreed. read the green shift literature. there are a ton of misunderstandings about it from what i can see. apparently (this is elizabeth may speaking, not Dion, and yes i'd say she's probably one of the smartest at the table) the plan is essentially one that is ripped from several economically stable european nations.

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Clopek, the man does have a hell of moustache. He looks like a very efficient train conductor or something.

The NDP's biggest strengths are often also its biggest problems. The grassroots old-style Union party mentality that generates a lot of their desirable left-wing policy can also make them very small-picture minded and its also probably the reason that they tend to buckle under big-party responsibilities. I don't know.

The funny thing about Canadian politicians (and in many ways the parties themselves) is that they all sort of suck. I mean, I have always voted NDP, but I also have to admit that Jack Layton is a buffoon who thinks he achieve the same kind of cult of personality appeal that Obama has in the state with barely an eight of the charisma. The same can be said by level-headed voters about all the parties.

I mean, at the end of it politicians are all soulless puppets and the system by which we select them is skewed against us, so I try to stay non-partisan and just look at the issues I care most about (universal childcare, protection/advancement of gay rights, preserving the national healthcare plan, funding the arts etc etc) and vote on an entirely policy basis.

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whoever votes ndp.. wow... from what I understand layton actually wants to 'shut down' oil production in alberta (tar sands) now tell me what keeps this countries economy stable? and what kind of retard focus' their campaign around creating a new tax (dion - liberals). And how does elizabeth may get off calling canadians morons? she isnt the smartest one sitting around that table thats forsure.

do you actually know anything about the alberta tar sands? do you understand how damaging they are to our boreal forest ecosystem and how much fresh water is used and essentially wasted daily to extract the oil? i personally wouldn't mind being able to visit alberta one day and see the natural beauty rather than a mordor-esque landscape. there's this fasinating idea that people have been talking about that could lessen our oil consumption, decrease our carbon footprint and essentially preseverve alberta called alternative energy. it's really an interesting concept you may want to read up on.

no i'm not voting green party.

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do you actually know anything about the alberta tar sands? do you understand how damaging they are to our boreal forest ecosystem and how much fresh water is used and essentially wasted daily to extract the oil? i personally wouldn't mind being able to visit alberta one day and see the natural beauty rather than a mordor-esque landscape. there's this fasinating idea that people have been talking about that could lessen our oil consumption, decrease our carbon footprint and essentially preseverve alberta called alternative energy. it's really an interesting concept you may want to read up on.

no i'm not voting green party.

that's it I'm writing in Ron Paul
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after watching both us. and canadian debates, i think jack layton possesses much of the charisma that Obama does, in that he seems like someones very intelligent father and not just someone who politics his way through everything.

that being said, I'm looking at things similarly, but his healthcare plan is un-fuck-withable. i haven't seen much positive change from harper, but i didn't see much happening with the liberals before him. hopefully dion can actually get something done, but who knows.

canadian politicians need to stop throwing poo poo at each other and actually focus on the issues at some point (harper is the worst offender of the bunch, i can't believe he essentially ran a campaign by personally taking pot-shots at a french canadian)

edit - LOL is that gilles duceppe

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do you actually know anything about the alberta tar sands? do you understand how damaging they are to our boreal forest ecosystem and how much fresh water is used and essentially wasted daily to extract the oil? i personally wouldn't mind being able to visit alberta one day and see the natural beauty rather than a mordor-esque landscape. there's this fasinating idea that people have been talking about that could lessen our oil consumption, decrease our carbon footprint and essentially preseverve alberta called alternative energy. it's really an interesting concept you may want to read up on.

no i'm not voting green party.

do you actually realize peoples lives are at stake here? do you realize how many people are employed in the oil and gas sector in alberta? you wanna change the world? talk to china and india, pal.

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Breaking News: Canada has just become the 51st, 52nd, 53rd, & 54th State in the USA!!!

The best news to come from this development is that Mississippi is no longer the most illiterate state in the Union!

edit: In other news: I'm drunk.

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do you realize that peoples lives and our countries well being is at stake here, jack. either way people will get fucked over, it's the same old song. i'm not saying that alternate energy could create as many jobs as the oil industry but it definitely could create enough to at least compensate for cutbacks.

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"people's lives are at stake"

"look to china and india"

first of all, if you're talking about people's economic and financial well being, as opposed to them under some physical threat of NDP tyranny, that's one thing. i think the concept is to replace those jobs and to shore up canada's economic sector dependent on oil production with "green collar" jobs.

second of all, we are not the prime minister of china or india, and i may actually go so far as to call you a stupid dummy, as that has nothing, at all, to do with the way we govern our own country, or the amount of emission reduction we can manage ourselves.

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what's the big deal. Every one of you Great Whiters should just go to bed, get a good nights sleep, wake up in the morning and go back to chopping down trees. Let the adults south of you worry about the big problems.

Oh yeah, thanks for the Blackberrys™®©

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"people's lives are at stake"

"look to china and india"

first of all, if you're talking about people's economic and financial well being, as opposed to them under some physical threat of NDP tyranny, that's one thing. i think the concept is to replace those jobs and to shore up canada's economic sector dependent on oil production with "green collar" jobs.

second of all, we are not the prime minister of china or india, and i may actually go so far as to call you a stupid dummy, as that has nothing, at all, to do with the way we govern our own country, or the amount of emission reduction we can manage ourselves.

first of all stupid "dummy"? please grow the fuck up. thank you. we may not be the prime ministers of china or india but oil consumption and the by products of it are global problems. canada is a very small piece of the pie. sure there is always room for improvement, but you cant shut down alberta. oil is what the consumers want and until there is no demand or the supply is exhausted there will always be production, bottom line. maybe since you are so conscience about emissions you should give up your car, turn off your water heater, turn off your natural gas, unscrew your light bulbs, and lastly turn off your computer. please give the latter deep thought.

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once again, stupid dummy...you speak of GLOBAL problems as though we have GLOBAL solutions...are we going to go rap india on the knuckles for making $2000 cars available to a billion people? We have control over our own consumption, and our own dependence on a non-renewable pollutant for transportation. I'm not suggesting we completely shut down our way of living and immediately cease consumption of energy...this is clearly not feasible. I'm just saying that maybe there are better environmental, as well as economic plans, than the conservative one at this particular moment in time.

fuck, you really are dumb eh?

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haha ^, the kid is obviously a complete joke. he can slander me all he wants if that makes him happy, maybe its low self-esteem or something along those lines. regardless if you cant have a civilized debate then theres something wrong with you. I dont know why your so extremely defensive but you should probably give your head a shake and take a pill... seriously.

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