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Ambassadors (footwear)


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  dismalfuture said:
those styleforum guys all raped that $100 CP sale, so I have little to no interest in owning CPs or anything that looks remotely similar to CPs now. Peasant status.

i will probably end up buying a pair of ambassadors, because collecting footwear is my hobby. i do understand why the temple of jawns would want to distance itself from cps/anything that resembles as such. i esp resent what cp has become, but anyone that knows their sufu history should recognize that it is this particular hater who had first aquirred cps ages before. it is the nature of any industry for something once sacred to take on shit connotations.

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  dismalfuture said:
those styleforum guys all raped that $100 CP sale, so I have little to no interest in owning CPs or anything that looks remotely similar to CPs now. Peasant status.
Same here. I sold some of my old ones for almost $100 on styleforum over a year ago and only kept a pair of black military lo and black nylon hi. I need peasant looking shoes for work and they do the job.
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I think CP and keep seeing Kodiak in those patent mids, and being that Ambassadors are the 'cheap half-price CP' now, it's a no-brainer. Plus, there's no way you can pull out the value for money argument or anything like that, since when were $200+ sneakers about value? $300 snow beaters, yeah I can understand that. Let's all go buy some $750 strippers, my fellow ballers.

I do like some CP designs (though not enough to buy another pair) like the OG Achilles low and the court lows and mids, the Generic Mans were cool for a bit, the various Balenciagas, Raf by's, etc, etc all had their times, but c'mon, this is 2009 now, not 2006. Time to move on.

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  dismalfuture said:
I think CP and keep seeing Kodiak in those patent mids, and being that Ambassadors are the 'cheap half-price CP' now, it's a no-brainer. Plus, there's no way you can pull out the value for money argument or anything like that, since when were $200+ sneakers about value? $300 snow beaters, yeah I can understand that. Let's all go buy some $750 strippers, my fellow ballers.

I do like some CP designs (though not enough to buy another pair) like the OG Achilles low and the court lows and mids, the Generic Mans were cool for a bit, the various Balenciagas, Raf by's, etc, etc all had their times, but c'mon, this is 2009 now, not 2006. Time to move on.

bottega venetta mid cut sneaker.

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  dismalfuture said:
I do understand the 'why' for Bottega sneakers, but doesn't Bottega give off the same kind of connotations as LV, Gucci, etc?
i think they do. i can't even say what sneakers I will get this season. mmm are the only ones I like now but that's about it. it's sad that walking into barneys i can't find anything i like.
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  dismalfuture said:
I do understand the 'why' for Bottega sneakers, but doesn't Bottega give off the same kind of connotations as LV, Gucci, etc?

i never gave it much thought.

although bottega is luxury brand owned by the gucci group, i feel that they are more of a niche label. they are not marketed like the big houses. at least in america, it seems as if they spend nothing to little on commercialing whatsoever. it's all repeat sales to the same set of clientle (usually).

too me, most of their design is straight foward and has always been of similar aesthetic. liberally giving them the benefit of the doubt their output has not changed much in comparison to that of the other houses. there seems to b some integrity intact.

so imo bottega does not share the same kinds of connotations.

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  polishmike said:
i think they do. i can't even say what sneakers I will get this season. mmm are the only ones I like now but that's about it. it's sad that walking into barneys i can't find anything i like.

i can understand why one would think so, but you can somewhat understand my opinion i'm hoping...

which mmmz you talking?

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  polishmike said:
you could just say, homies don't wear bottega (yet)

this is a very good point and it shall def affect me.

take goyard luggage for instance. years ago it had somewhat limited distro and wasn't some clownshit that lupe or kanye bigged up in various media-mediums. the fact of the matter is that "popularity always takes the piss outta a good thing." should the smart fashionista-consumer strive to stay ahead of "the curve" and watered down/neg connotations?

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it's an interesting question. i guess you need to either buy the new, hard to get stuff or wear brands that are not "on top" but still look good. as much as i think ro sneakers are pretty much dead, this summer will finish them. every muppet is wearing them with almost every outfit. i rather wear my puma mcqueen than ro right now.

there was time when very expensive brands were "safe" enough. but now people buy $1000 lanvin and $1500 ro like they are some new nike. maybe mmm is still not there because they look a little "boring", same with jil sander and some kva but that's only because of lack of exposure/availability.

you always have to stay ahead of the curve but you can often do it just buy choosing a different approach.

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  polishmike said:
it's an interesting question. i guess you need to either buy the new, hard to get stuff or wear brands that are not "on top" but still look good. as much as i think ro sneakers are pretty much dead, this summer will finish them. every muppet is wearing them with almost every outfit. i rather wear my puma mcqueen than ro right now.

there was time when very expensive brands were "safe" enough. but now people buy $1000 lanvin and $1500 ro like they are some new nike. maybe mmm is still not there because they look a little "boring", same with jil sander and some kva but that's only because of lack of exposure/availability.

you always have to stay ahead of the curve but you can often do it just buy choosing a different approach.

years before i had actually adhered to this and prided myself on it. recently i don't think it necessary for myself to do so. got nothing to prove anymore. i know it sounds totally wackola/cliche, but i guess i just buy what i fancy. obviously i think of alota the social ramification of wearing certain labels and pieces, but often times imo, it is not just the clothes that make the man, but the opposite as well. it is difficult for me to explain this feeling in writing, but i am sure that we are on some sorta similar level. meaning that if i saw you wearing cps, even though they are "played out" or are taking negative connotations, i wouldn't judge you badly, because i somewhat know your thinking/consumer methodology.

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i'm the same way now. i buy only the stuff i like and i don't care if it's hot or even outplayed. at this time i have a good collection of clothes and shoes and don't really have to follow the hottest trends. sometimes we fall into the traps of popularity of designers but i guess there is no way around that.

when i couldn't afford RO nobody was wearing it, now when i can buy it i don't want to buy some of his pieces anymore. same was with HL but now i have to hunt his stuff on ebay.

i'm kinda glad that i don't have to buy a lot each season. i just concentrate on the pieces i really like and buy new black and white tees from muji/uniqlo.

btw i saw the mmm matches tee for like $60 online if you're still interested.

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  polishmike said:
i'm the same way now. i buy only the stuff i like and i don't care if it's hot or even outplayed. at this time i have a good collection of clothes and shoes and don't really have to follow the hottest trends. sometimes we fall into the traps of popularity of designers but i guess there is no way around that.

when i couldn't afford RO nobody was wearing it, now when i can buy it i don't want to buy some of his pieces anymore. same was with HL but now i have to hunt his stuff on ebay.

i'm kinda glad that i don't have to buy a lot each season. i just concentrate on the pieces i really like and buy new black and white tees from muji/uniqlo.

btw i saw the mmm matches tee for like $60 online if you're still interested.

good talk, mike. just gotta buy for yourself.

thanks, but i am gonna pass on the matches tee, cause white is not really my color.

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Oh, they're finally on sale?

I'll probs import the his whenever they end up in the US, or something.

  polishmike said:
as much as i think ro sneakers are pretty much dead, this summer will finish them. every muppet is wearing them with almost every outfit. i rather wear my puma mcqueen than ro right now.

I guess it's because people like that think that buying into a certain brand automatically gives them swagger, when half of the time, they're not getting something because they actually like it or because it improves their aesthetic, but because it's a flavour of the month sort of thing, and it makes em look awkward and out of place. It lacks personality and individuality, so it just makes a person another sheep in the flock...albeit one that has gold coated wool or some shit.

fucking fire alarm

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Common Projects ripped from Lanvin, Raf, Y's, Etc. in terms of mold and manufacturing. I wonder if these guys are the rip of the Made in Italy mold or the Chinese versions which can be found in the Alife editions.

PS they are not exactly the same thing as the achilles, look at the stitching on the front of the shoe and also the back heel where is comes up bending almost like a chukka or mid cut. Also overall look is alot rounder then the slim common projects look.

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Wrong, Common Projects were out in 2006 and probably conceived in 2005. Lanvin , Raf by Raf, those came later.

The two original Achilles models, low and mid, are silhouette rips on Converse One Stars.

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  dismalfuture said:
Wrong, Common Projects were out in 2006 and probably conceived in 2005. Lanvin , Raf by Raf, those came later.

The two original Achilles models, low and mid, are silhouette rips on Converse One Stars.

thank you. that guy pisses me off. trying to sound all educated and shit.

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  jmatsu said:
esp resent what cp has become, but anyone that knows their sufu history should recognize that it is this particular hater who had first aquirred cps ages before. it is the nature of any industry for something once sacred to take on shit connotations.

As far as I'm concerned it was over as soon as they started selling to revolveclothing and places of that ilk.

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  • 4 years later...

i bought a pair of lows in white to dick around with for spring/summer cause i didn't want to spend cp money


i will report back when i get them

current season looks like pretty standard shit, but i think they kept the prices pretty much the same (~$200) so idk why you guys still buy achilles







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