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Supreme 2008 F/W


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so i was flipping thru the channels last nite, stopped at leno who was doing one of those uwatchable taped segments where he's interviewing random people on the street. one of those people was this goofball fat white guy wearing a supreme box cap (and a black scale tee). whenever i see people on the street wearing supreme, they're invariably people you know you wouldn't ever want to have a conversation with.


kinda reminds me of a white horatio sanz.

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some info for the people who havent bought a box hoody yet, buy a size up im normally a medium tight large loose comfortable and my large fits like a medium loose,

if your a large and want so breathing room, go to a size XL but then again i did a size XL and it was a huge diffrence between large.

or is supremes hoods in the hoodie just naturally small, and not very lengthy?

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was just in preme.

got a box hoody and a burgundy beanie. the beanie is ill, especially for 20 bones.

there is 1. i repeat 1 box hoody in blue left at supreme nyc in size medium if anyone is interested,

stock in alot of things was slim, but a couple cats told me that new stuff will be in SATURDAY.

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i care but, id feel like a faggot knowing i waited in line for more than 15 minutes like a girl for a clothing item.

and other people will see you that way too.


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just because im down, doesnt mean im down to wait in line for clothing releases.

il buy what i can when its convient for me, not supreme.

trying to get me to go down to soho to meet you so you can buy my APC's after haggling me over price, trying to trade me supreme hats, and second guessing the integrity of what i'm telling you sounds a hell of a lot more inconvenient than walking into supreme and buying some goods.

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trying to get me to go down to soho to meet you so you can buy my APC's after haggling me over price, trying to trade me supreme hats, and second guessing the integrity of what i'm telling you sounds a hell of a lot more inconvenient than walking into supreme and buying some goods.

ohhh snapppp!

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i'm curious to see what exactly is going to be dropped/restocked on saturday.

i'm really digging the gray "the game" rip hat. i just really like that color gray .. i wish i had gotten the unsolved mysteries hat from the last drop with that purple script. so fresh.

the box hoody i got is fucking this as hell, feels thicker than my other cyc pieces but it's probably just because it hasn't been washed but god damn that thing is like a winter jacket in itself.

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trying to get me to go down to soho to meet you so you can buy my APC's after haggling me over price, trying to trade me supreme hats, and second guessing the integrity of what i'm telling you sounds a hell of a lot more inconvenient than walking into supreme and buying some goods.

haggling me on my price as well. made it a point in every pm that NO ONE wanted to buy my item. well the item has been sold now. :cool:

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