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I'm going to watch a movie every night, and you're going to choose for me.

Leonard Leroy

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Tonight's menu:

Talk to Me (have not watched yet)


The story of Washington D.C. radio personality Ralph "Petey" Greene, an ex-con who became a popular talk show host and community activist in the 1960s.


Once Upon A Time In The West (watched years ago and I have a DVD someone bought for me and haven't opened)


Epic story of a mysterious stranger with a harmonica who joins forces with a notorious desperado to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad.


Hachiko monogatari (Haven't watched but I liked the tale and I've been posting sad dog pictures and Jurassic Bark is always mentioned. This is the original Jurassic Bark)


The true story about a dog's loyalty to its master, even after his death


Please propose movies for me to watch that are on HBO In Demand, preferably. But I will download movies to watch if you want me to.

Also: have to be good movies

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I watched Faces and The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, both by Cassavettes, the past two nights.

Recommended. Dude's an artist. Probably should watch Faces first.

tonight watch the asian one.

another asian one which is terrific: Pale Flower by Masahiro Shinoda. About isolation, gratuity and desperation. Really had a big impact on me.

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I watched Faces and The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, both by Cassavettes, the past two nights.

Recommended. Dude's an artist. Probably should watch Faces first.

tonight watch the asian one.

another asian one which is terrific: Pale Flower by Masahiro Shinoda. About isolation, gratuity and desperation. Really had a big impact on me.

i like these.. take advice plz

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if you haven't seen them already, i'd say these movies are worth your time:

  • afro cinema
    • killer of sheep

    • superfly

    • chameleon street

    [*]amerindian cinema

    • the business of fancydancing

    • smoke signals

    • atanarjuat / "the fast runner"

    • skins

    [*]cinema latino

    • cielo dividido / "broken sky"
    • cidade de deus / "city of god"

    [*]boat/ship related

    • around cape horn
    • captain ron
    • wackiest ship in the army
    • master and commander

i tried to avoid the most obvious suggestions, not all these movies are the most critically acclaimed, but some are great cult flicks for drinking games (wackiest ship) and others have striking cinematography and voice (broken sky)

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Tonight's menu:

Once Upon A Time In The West (watched years ago and I have a DVD someone bought for me and haven't opened)

Epic story of a mysterious stranger with a harmonica who joins forces with a notorious desperado to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad.

This is, quite possibly, the most epic description of a movie ever.

Shaolin soccer was fucking garbage while Kung Fu Hustle was brilliant (irrelevant since you've see, just wanted to say).

Blazing Saddles. Watch it over and over and over.

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Once Upon A Time In The West (watched years ago and I have a DVD someone bought for me and haven't opened)

Epic story of a mysterious stranger with a harmonica who joins forces with a notorious desperado to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad.

Love Once upon a Time in West. One my favorite movies; Sergio Leone's best. After that, watch Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch. The best western ever made and one of the best movies of all time. Also, shows you what it means to be a man.

i watch 5 deadly venoms and flash gordon each at least once a week. leonard, have you seen both?

God, love Five Deadly Venoms. I first saw it as a child and got so excited that at arts-and-crafts time at the daycare I persuaded my friends to make Venom masks (the ones from the beginning of the film) so we could go in the yard later and play-fight. I got to be Lizard.

That scene with Scorpion, Toad, and the wet napkins in prison is really chilling.

Kunk, do you have a good version? All I have is a shitty transfer that looks like it was ripped straight from VHS. It's super murky. I love Cheng Cheh's films, but sometimes his pacing seems off. They were cranking out those films in a few days, though, so I guess they can't be too polished.

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i have a great copy and would be happy to burn it for you. ever see the follow up? they are all crippled in some form or fashion, i.e., blind, missing an arm.

first saw 5 deadly venoms on channel 5 saturday afternoon movie when i was 5 or 6.

i injured myself numerous times trying to climb my walls. had all the masks from a chinese import store in my neighborhood.

the dub is awesome. "poison clan rocks the world" is a classic.

Love Once upon a Time in West. One my favorite movies; Sergio Leone's best. After that, watch Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch. The best western ever made and one of the best movies of all time. Also, shows you what it means to be a man.

God, love Five Deadly Venoms. I first saw it as a child and got so excited that at arts-and-crafts time at the daycare I persuaded my friends to make Venom masks (the ones from the beginning of the film) so we could go in the yard later and play-fight. I got to be Lizard.

That scene with Scorpion, Toad, and the wet napkins in prison is really chilling.

Kunk, do you have a good version? All I have is a shitty transfer that looks like it was ripped straight from VHS. It's super murky. I love Cheng Cheh's films, but sometimes his pacing seems off. They were cranking out those films in a few days, though, so I guess they can't be too polished.

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