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Help me decide APC Rescue vs. Sugar Cane 1947

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Yes I know.. I should make up my own mind, but I need some guidance/suggestions.

I've narrowed down my next purchase to one of these two jeans, but I have some concerns.

I really like the SC's, but my issue is with sizing. Since they are STF, they'll be loose on me when I buy them and I'm afraid I won't get good creasing & fading as a result.

APC's, conversely, seem to wear too fast. I want my jeans to last a long time, and from the pictures people post of their APC's they don't seem like they'll last more than a year!

I'm leaning towards the Sugar Canes, and if I do decide to get them what size should I get?

My true waist measurement (or at least where I wear my jeans) is 34". I'm thinking I should get a 32 in the SC's and when it's time to wash them, I'll just wear them in a bath so they don't shrink too much.

I don't know. Any suggestions?

Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado

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Quote: buy the sugarcanes.. shrink em.. and then wear em.

I was thinking of that as well.

If I do decide to do that, what size should I get?

Like I said, I have a 34" waist, and it was to my understanding that Sugar Canes run about an inch smaller than listed (any truth to this).

Should I get a 35 assuming they'll shrink to a 33, and then stretch out to a 34?

Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado

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