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What do you pack on a daily basis? in your bag, pockets etc


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porter tanker wallet

stussy 20th anniversary carbiner and eight ball key chain

panasonic p901is cell (ape cleaning pad and silas strap my buddy made)

ipod 40gb non-photo in head porter black beauty ipod case


100yen lighter

muji steel memo book

pen I found


light rain jacket and decent headphones for long range ops (not pictured)

MILitary SPECificationS OO

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

Edited by MilSpex on Oct 22, 2005 at 12:02 AM

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What's inside my Tumi messenger bag:

Arena/Cargo magz

3G 40gb iPod

Bang & Olufsen a8 earphones

straps for my Panerai


Motorola Razr

car keys


Altoids (which goes to the backpocket of my RRs)


business cards

& a sandwich for breakfast

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porter tanker wallet

stussy 20th anniversary carbiner and eight ball key chain

panasonic p901is cell (ape cleaning pad and silas strap my buddy made)

ipod 40gb non-photo in head porter black beauty ipod case


100yen lighter

muji steel memo book

pen I found


light rain jacket and decent headphones for long range ops (not pictured)

--- Original message by MilSpex on Oct 22, 2005 12:01 AM

whered you get that steel memo book from?

my buddy has a memo pad he keeps in the backpocket of his nudies and im thinking this would be excellent for him.

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muji in japan. if you dont already know its a chain store that sells basics. like uniqlo but its got stationery and furniture/homewares aswell. I got mine about 5 years ago (its pretty fucked up if you look close). I dont know if they still make em and I dont live near a muji no more so cant check at the minute.

MILitary SPECificationS OO

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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muji IS like the gap, actually, in that everything is so bereft of detailing it actually becomes the defining characteristic of the products. the only difference is, muji's things are well made.

i'm pretty sure they still have those notepads, or a similar product. i was at the one at apc mall in hong kong this august.

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What's inside my Tumi messenger bag:

Arena/Cargo magz

3G 40gb iPod

Bang & Olufsen a8 earphones

straps for my Panerai


Motorola Razr

car keys


Altoids (which goes to the backpocket of my RRs)


business cards

& a sandwich for breakfast

--- Original message by john11f on Oct 22, 2005 08:06 PM

You better give up the lung darts if you got ashma bro
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  • 1 year later...

what I`ve been packing lately:


porter x wacko maria wallet

headporter tanker key case


phily notes

8 yo frogman (rolex sub date coming soon hopefully...)

I got more shit I carry in my bag, trying to simplify and cut down but its tough..

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Hmm, I'm at Brown right now, so I don't have a camera but...

In my small Stussy messenger bag I have...

A pack of gum (usually fruit)

Two or three tins of Oral Fixation mints

A tin of Hint Mints

A pen or two

Some extra button pins to replace the ones on my strap if they get lost

Cell phone

iPod 20 gig and Bose over ear headphones

TONS of change from my job tips

A bottle of water maybe

Usually a copy of The Paris Review

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summer packing lately...


Number(n) F**K Cap

Iriver necklace mp3 playa

Headporter dots Pouch

Headporter key chain with keys and suck UK opener

Cellphone Moto L7 x Devilock

Dior Homme sunglass

Dior Homme Wallet

Undercover & Bingo Brother bracelet

and ya....Davidoff....

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