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fake or not fake bape?


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pfff they are not fucking real...

u think this is real?


nope they are too big on the front...and the color are not the same as the REAL one..

this is real...


look at the different between the real and the fake...

::::::::::pondon is a great bape seller::::::::::

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Man, I just love BAPESTA's. I mean, in 10 years from now, we're all going to look back and wonder what in God's name we were thinking.

Ever watch a rap video from the early 90's - with spandex bike shorts and neon tank tops, and gumby haircuts, and 8-Ball jackets, and British Knights? Come 2015, we're going to check out these patent leather shoes with 200 pastel color panels and think "what the FUCK!"

That doesn't mean I don't like them - I do! It's the most amazing footwear trend ever.

I also find the idea of buying knock-off BAPE's kind of attractive. As much as I like Nigo, I'd rather give my money directly to the Chinese people making the stuff than pay for 1/10,000th of his next Jacob the Jeweler custom ape chain.



Edited by Flavorphoto on Oct 27, 2005 at 11:13 AM

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flavorphoto is fucking right...

who has ever made better shoes then nigo?


i mean come on...ive never seen an ape head on a shoe.. who actually was creative enough too make the name bathingape like nigo did?

thats why i love bape... its a funny name and it has great designs...everything what nigo has made for bape is about lifestyle...he made food, drinks, clothing, stores, cafe, music...

i dont think there will be a better designer that makes a better brand like bape in the next 20 years...and if there is ill still rock bape

::::::bape forever::::::

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