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Vegans / Vegetarians / Raw Foodists

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Hi. I'm a vegan who eats mostly raw foods. Like tonight for supper I had a whole watermelon and I ate the rind too because there's lots of vitamins there plus the fiber slows down the sugar absorption.

Anyway.... I know vegans tend to get called fags and whatnot, but I actually think meat is cool, I just don't feel good if I eat it. One time I ate a salmon steak after not eating any meat or dairy for 5 years and I didn't take a shit for 2 days (I usually take 4 per day). I think that the meat clogs me up pretty good.

What I like to eat are fruits, leafy greens, some veggies, and nuts and seeds. I feel very vibrant everyday and my shits always come out piney. The colon is very key to good health. This is what is best for me so don't call me a fag or think I want to convert you. :)

Now, any others?

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the only meat i eat is fish

i am a pretty lazy/unhealthy vegetarian - forgot the word for one who only eats fish

i love eating junk food - chips, pizza, whatever

i had a subway veggie patty sandwhich today

and yesterday i had a carls junior fish sandwhich with jalapenos, and cheese

so basically i am the opposite of you

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Anyway.... I know vegans tend to get called fags and whatnot, but I actually think meat is cool, I just don't feel good if I eat it.
Then you are not a vegan, but vegetarian. As far as I know, Veganism is ideological movement, not just a bunch of people who happen to dislike the taste of meat.

p.s. 4 shits per day is unhealthy, I think

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forgot the word for one who only eats fish

Piscian or something like that

As far as I know, Veganism is ideological movement

A vegan is someone who doesn't eat any animal produce, it can be for ideological reasons in a lot of cases but you can be a vegan without that.

I was Vegan for about 5 years, and veggie maybe 2 years before had, now completely off the wagon so to speak. I feel much healthier now, but I'm pretty sure it is down to the individual.

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Doing what I do, I'm surrounded by raw food and vegetable nuts. The concept of Macrobiotics don't really seem to have caught on here though.

I eat well and in healthy moderation, but tend not to give it too much thought outside of avoiding Junk food and certain vegetables that I've been told aren't suitable for me. I'm always up for experimenting with new things when I read about them, but my diet is mainly pescatarian with very very rare exceptions - I never buy or prepare red meat and while I don't drink milk, dairy products don't scare me.

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I actually was vegan for about 3 years and veg 2 years before that. The last two years I ate everything and anything, but as part of trying to change my lifestyle, I became vegetarian once again for health and sustainability reasons.

I did try a raw diet for about a week, but was insanely tired and irritable.

Personally, I feel more energetic and better overall as a vegetarian. I just believe I can't digest meat as well as other people or as well as I could when I was younger.

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i have been vegetarian for over half of my life now

though i have been known to eat fish here and there

and a rather notorious run in with a pork bbq sandwich in north carolina that had me laid up for days

we just joined a CSA and pick up huge amounts of local produce each week

it has been great, exposing us to all sorts of strange vegetables that i would have never thought to buy on my own

such as japanese kohlrabi:


i recently started drinking cow milk again and that has been fun

but i tried raw milk for the first time (in recent memory; i suspect i had been drinking the stuff when i was between 4 and 8 years old) and it made me queasy

a little intense


it just screams at you like that...


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I gave up red meat/ poultry about 4 years and rarely eat seafood. I mostly gave it up for health reasons and it would mess up stomache up. traveling vegetarian blows when you go overseas because the selection of food goes down when you can't eat anything.

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was a vegetarian for 8 years, but a year ago my body and mind were screaming for a real bbq and i gave them what they wanted and deserved.

today i eat almost everything but tend to avoid fastfood and reformed meat...have to say that i feel fitter by now.

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obviously you haven't done any nutrition research, or you would think differently.

obviously you have never had a rare steak from peter lugers. or cheese fries at some diner at 4am when you're high and have been out drinking all night. or a fat ass lobster or a really fresh piece of o'toro. shit is delicious. we're all gonna die anyway, why deny yourself life's pleasures.

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i eat fish, so I can enjoy that.

Funny thing is, I feel better and take more pleasure in life now than I ever have. And i'm not shooting you down... steak and pizza and ice cream are delicious! I just love how I feel without them, and hate how bad I feel when I eat them.

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I stopped eating beef for a year, because I'm Indian and supposed to be Hindu...

I gained so much weight. Then I walked by a Taco Bell, and it broke me down. Not like a PL or a Ruth Chris or something. A Taco Bell value menu.

I was so ashamed until I lost weight and felt better about myself.

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obviously you have never had a rare steak from peter lugers. or cheese fries at some diner at 4am when you're high and have been out drinking all night. or a fat ass lobster or a really fresh piece of o'toro. shit is delicious. we're all gonna die anyway, why deny yourself life's pleasures.

Yeahhh I agree, but through my experience of dealing with sick people very early on I discovered that you have absolutely no say over when indulging in all of life's pleasures catches up with you and more often than not, it's in the middle of your time rather than the end.

where are you based?

Yakutat, Alaska.

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i eat fish, so I can enjoy that.

Funny thing is, I feel better and take more pleasure in life now than I ever have. And i'm not shooting you down... steak and pizza and ice cream are delicious! I just love how I feel without them, and hate how bad I feel when I eat them.

Couldn't have said it better! If something makes you feel sick/poorly/sluggish/etc... after eating it, you should probably cut it out of your diet!

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Thinking about going veggie, currently I limit my meat eating to "organic" and free range sourced meats, but working restaurants have totally destroyed my love of meat. Boxed chicken and cow, bagged lamb, bagged calamari .. gets wierd when you start to think about how extensive the distribution is and how many animals that ends up being.

As far as local and organic foods go, Ontario has a wealth of organic farmers as well as a vast array of farmers markets, many in Toronto and one in most small to medium sized towns.

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