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really need to do hook grip. for you guys who are using it already, how did you go about switching over to it? did you just do the same weights using hook grip or did you have to build up some tolerance initially with some lighter weight?

Hook grip everything, pullups/military/cleans/snatches etc...took me 3 weeks to adjust.

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thanks for the advice guys. i think i'm going to just try to go right into it, i attempted it before when i was just starting and it was slightly painful. i'll see how it goes on wednesday when i deadlift/clean.

on another topic, can anyone else not tolerate rudeness at the gym? asked a dude nicely if i could use the squat rack while he deadlifted and he just grunted and made a big scene. could have just said no instead of being a dick about it... guess it's that i'm a macho asian du complex... (i'm asian too btw)

but on a better note, starting doing 5 by 5's with front squat and did 185 x 5 on my first time after doing regular squats. feels good man.

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tough workout today... power cleaned 175 x 5 but really was hammering my thighs accidentally on the release as i didn't want my grip to give out and drop heavily on the floor (no bumpers). after that, deadlifts were killing me even after switching to hook grip... should i do power cleans on another day which i don't dead lift? just don't want to get around to doing DL's and having my grip give out.

but maxed out today as below:

PC: 175 x 5

DL: 275 x 5

Rows: 135 x 5

really have to work on my rows, but i'm too exhausted at the end of my workout...

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Yeah, that's a lot of grip work where the weight + gravity work against you. I typically don't do cleans and DL on the same day. I did in HS, but that's when you can program anything and it'll work. I'd separate.

DL'd yesterday. A little sore from a tiring workout Friday, but pulled 3 x 4 @ 365. Not great, but good for how I was feeling.

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Julian, gonna agree with the rest and drop PCs if you're DL-ing. I like doing front squats on my DL days. Cleans and snatches are a separate workout day where I do mostly explosive stuff.

210 lbs today oly squat for 5 reps feel heavy as fuark. I feel weak :(

(but was able to pendlay row 155lbs for 5 on monday)

Edited by DJ_Flame
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gotta start doing snatches with the barbell, i usually just warm up with 50 snatches with a 45 lb kettlebell. i'll most likely switch up the routines and PC on another day. but i also like to do clean and presses too... probably will switch to DL once a week, it's been sporadic so far.

all about those pendlay rows though, only way i've been doing it.

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Yeah, how's your form?

The feeling of Jelly Legs is pretty normal (for me) in squat also. But the fact that your DL is 410+ (pretty good) makes me think you should be able to squat 315 a bit easier.

Have you played around with your stance at all? The closer your feet are, the more quads you use. I have a pretty medium stance, but I like to finish with a wider and lighter set to get more out of my hips.

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Don't judge me to hard...but I've been doing almost exclusively upperbody for a while, and will continue to do so. I do this because I never played any sports really requiring upperbody for most of my life (just picked up basketball in the past year or two), soccer, XC, track, ultimate, all really legs and core intensive. Thus my upperbody is pretty small and weak in comparison to my lower body, and it looks and feels weird, so I'm trying to balance it out a bit.


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grip is failing before deadlift for me, kinda annoying when you've got enough in the engine, but hands sux.


Either chalk+over/under, chalk+hook, or if you can't do either of those, straps+double over+grip work.

Chalk+hook will take time getting used to.

You should be doing grip work all the time if you aren't blessed with large hands. Plate pinches, static holds, etc.

I have large hands, but I still do grip work from time to time just so I won't bump into grip problems in the future.

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Don't judge me to hard...but I've been doing almost exclusively upperbody for a while, and will continue to do so. I do this because I never played any sports really requiring upperbody for most of my life (just picked up basketball in the past year or two), soccer, XC, track, ultimate, all really legs and core intensive. Thus my upperbody is pretty small and weak in comparison to my lower body, and it looks and feels weird, so I'm trying to balance it out a bit.


Still do lower body. Just do it in compound movements. Try things like Cleans, Deadlifts, Squats, Thrusters (front squat to overhead press).

Better to move everything forward and let it even out as opposed to focusing on one thing.

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Either chalk+over/under, chalk+hook, or if you can't do either of those, straps+double over+grip work.

Chalk+hook will take time getting used to.

You should be doing grip work all the time if you aren't blessed with large hands. Plate pinches, static holds, etc.

I have large hands, but I still do grip work from time to time just so I won't bump into grip problems in the future.

I use double over to warm up until about 255 and ~300 I use over/under grip. I think I'm going to start holding DL weight static after locking-in, then doing a shitload of farmers walk afterwards.

Hook grip is still a bitch.

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I use double over to warm up until about 255 and ~300 I use over/under grip. I think I'm going to start holding DL weight static after locking-in, then doing a shitload of farmers walk afterwards.

Hook grip is still a bitch.

Save your grip work til the end of your deadlift workout. When you do static holds, use a weight you can double overhand with and just hold it as long as you can until it literally slips out of your hand. If it doesn't slip out, you weren't holding long enough. And do a few sets of that.

That also works with building up your hook grip strength/pain threshold.

Edited by mrchariybrown
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Still do lower body. Just do it in compound movements. Try things like Cleans, Deadlifts, Squats, Thrusters (front squat to overhead press).

Better to move everything forward and let it even out as opposed to focusing on one thing.

True I suppose, I did at first, doing a bit of deadlifting and squats just to keep them in shape (relatively). Today I did some hang/power cleans just to brush up on form and get a bit of compound stuff in there, went well, but i hit my chin on the bar haulling it up, coulda been bad.

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is it bad to overcompensate for missed meals? im tyring to get leaner/tighter and not interested in bulking up, say i miss breakfast, which happens more often than naught, is it detrimental to over compensate at lunch or vice versa?

im not taking in excess calories, just making up for what i missed. i live a pretty active life, workout almost daily + basketball etc.

wondering how overcompensating meals will affect my results.

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I think missing meals, especially breakfast, takes a more mental toll on your body/workout routine.

i have to have breakfast. If I ever miss it, i feel like shit and often would slack off my routine during workout after work.

You wont have time for like cereal?

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