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I figured now that the holidays are over and now that I have more free time I want to get back to where I was strength wise and then some. I figure right now I'm going to start from scratch and go with a lighter weight and higher reps and then add weight as I go. I'm trying to build more muscle mass this time instead of focusing so much on fat burning. Here's an example of my current split, I'm open to opinions and adding new exercises here and there.

Monday Chest

Flat Bench 5 sets of 10 at 135lbs

Incline 3 sets of 8 at 135lbs

Decline 3 sets of 8 at 135 lbs

Incline dumbell flyes with 40lb dumbells 3 sets of 8

Various cable flyes

Tuesday- Back

Lat pulldowns 3 sets of 10 with 145lbs

Low rows 3 sets at of 8 with 150lbs

Dumbell rows 3 sets with a 50lb dumbell

T-bar rows 3 sets with a 45lb plate and a 35lb plate

Pullovers- 3 sets with 180 pounds

Deadlifts( one of my weakest lifts)- 3 sets of 5 at 135lbs

Hyper extensions 3 sets of 10 holding a 25lb plate

Wednesday- Legs

Sqauts- 5 sets of 10 at 135lbs

Leg press- 3 sets of 8 at 230 pounds

Leg curls - 3 sets of 8 at 100lbs

Hamstring curls- 3 sets of 8 at 100lbs

Calf raises in the smith machine 3 sets of 25 at 225 lbs

walking lunges down the length of the gym 4 trips

Thursday- Shoulders and Traps

Military press in-front of the head 3 sets of 8 at 135lbs

Upright rows close grip 3 sets ar 115lbs

Upright rows wide grip 3 sets at115lbs

Side lateral raises 3 sets of 8 with 15lb dumbells

Shoulder press 3 sets at 180lbs

Front raises 3 sets of 8 with 20lb dumbells

Barbell shrugs in-front 3 sets at 10 135lbs

Shrug machine 3 sets of 8 at 160

Farmers walk down length of the gym 4 trips with 45lb dumbells

Friday- Bi's and Tri's and forearms

Skull crushers 3 sets of 8 with 60lb ez-bar

Dip machine- 3 sets of 8 at 180lbs

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets of 8 at 100lbs

Tricep pulldown with rop 3 sets of 8 at 100lbs

close grip bench press 3 sets of 8 at 135lbs

Bicep curls with 30lb dumbells (alternating)

Hammercurls with 30lb dumbells (alternation)

Cable curls at 100lbs

Forearm curls sitting down with the bar at 60lbs

Forearm curls standing and behind the body with the bar at 60lbs

Saturday- cardio

usually about 30 minutes on the bike on the random hill program

15 minutes of the stairmaster at a moderate pace


I generally do the same cardio routine on earlier in the week, like I said this is a basic split ive come up with for right now and I'm open to suggestions

Far as supps go I was drinking 100% whey from optimum nutrition and 100% casien at night, Muscle Marinade was my pre work out for awhile, but lately I've just stuck with the whey.

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kept all your movements, just changed # of sets/reps and deleted a bunch of shit

Monday- Back, bis

Deadlifts - 3 sets of 5

Lat pulldowns 3 sets of 10

Dumbell rows 3 sets

Bicep curls 2-3 sets

Wednesday- Chest, shoulders, tri

Flat Bench 3 sets of 5

Incline dumbell flyes 2 sets of 8

Military press in-front of the head 2 sets of 8

Upright rows close grip 2 sets

Side lateral raises 2 sets of 8

Skull crushers 3 sets of 8

Friday- Legs

Sqauts- 3 sets of 5

Leg press- 2 sets of 8

Leg curls - 3 sets of 8

Calf raises in the smith machine 2 sets of 25

walking lunges down the length of the gym 4 trips

Saturday- cardio

usually about 30 minutes on the bike on the random hill program

15 minutes of the stairmaster at a moderate pace

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I've finally managed to get myself a proper, non temporary gym membership and I'm going to commit myself to a year of training hard. I'll eventually be lifting twice a week but I'm getting over a really bad period of colds/coughs and my lungs aren't really up to the volume of BJJ/Judo I was doing before so I'm going to commit to lifting 3 days a week for a while.

What I'd been doing before Xmas was this.


Squat 5x5

Bench 5x5

Rows 5x5

Pulldown 5x5 (I prefer these over pullups as I tend to fluctuate in weight so with these I can control how much I'm lifting each week).


Squat 5x5

OHP 5x5

Deadlift 1x5

Pulldowns 5x5

How would you guys suggest I change this routine to lift 3 days a week? Nothing overly fancy please, my gym doesn't have the facilities to be doing power cleans for example!

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I've finally managed to get myself a proper, non temporary gym membership and I'm going to commit myself to a year of training hard. I'll eventually be lifting twice a week but I'm getting over a really bad period of colds/coughs and my lungs aren't really up to the volume of BJJ/Judo I was doing before so I'm going to commit to lifting 3 days a week for a while.

What I'd been doing before Xmas was this.


Squat 5x5

Bench 5x5

Rows 5x5

Pulldown 5x5 (I prefer these over pullups as I tend to fluctuate in weight so with these I can control how much I'm lifting each week).


Squat 5x5

OHP 5x5

Deadlift 1x5

Pulldowns 5x5

How would you guys suggest I change this routine to lift 3 days a week? Nothing overly fancy please, my gym doesn't have the facilities to be doing power cleans for example!

You're getting fucking scary, you know that? (in a good way. ;))

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Can anyone here point me in the right direction?

My workout mainly of cardio/endurance runs/rope skipping/4x12 sets...sounds like a wuss I know.

I do alot of recreational team sports like soccer, basketball, tennis where muscular strength is of less importance than speed, agility, stamina etc.

Basically I'm pretty ok with my body, but how to increase muscle density (not sure if thats the correct term) and reduce body fat %, while maintaning the same weight?

I'm 5'10 , 160 lbs, and I'm desperately looking to get rid of the last bit of ring of abdominal fats around my lower stomach.

Basically looking at professional football players (that's soccer to you americans), especially those speedy forwards, they aren't beefed up, but their speed and stamina is world-class, and they got perfect abs. I know professional athletes have special training regimes to maintain the tip-top body condition, but how I go about doing something that gives similar results?

Thanks in advance.

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redwing gts.

if u dont run, it doesnt matter what shoe u wear. just go to foot locker and pick something u think looks nice.

if u do run and are serious about it, i recommend going to a running store and getting ur foot and running gait analyzed so they can show you the proper shoe

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Today was my first day in the gym since before x-mas, I hadn't intended to take so much time off but it was the holidays, then the blizzzard, then New Years and then I caught the worst cold of my adult life. So bummed at how much strength and stamina I lost, it's like my body cannibalized itself fighting off that cold. I feel like it's gonna take 2 months to get back what i lost in 3 weeks. waaambulance.gif

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Basically the trend is that you wear running shoes for running, and everything else should have a flat, solid sole. That helps to make sure energy isn't lost in the cushioning.

I used to wear an old pair of indoor track flats when I deadlifted. that worked pretty well. Now it's just chucks.

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