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congrats man!

how confident are you in your bench form? most guys have terrible form to press for maxes (only because they were never informed). it's not just lay down and press. if you aren't confident of your form, get a video of it and I'll let you know what you need to fix. I've had guys that have instantly put on 30+ pounds to their bench after I showed them what they were doing wrong.

I think some of it comes from not having a spotter, gonna start benching in the squat rack so I'm not so nervous about dropping it on my face... I'm not really worried about the numbers though, they're going up by the 2.5kg a week that Stronglifts recommends, it's more that it's my weakest lift and also the lift that I most want to make gains on.

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My weightlifting shoes arrived today, so hopefully will fix the issues with my heel leaving the ground on my squat, I will try get some videos tonight.

For $100 I am pretty pleased, weightlifting shoe prices are criminal over here.

shoes with a heel probably isnt the best solution for that. just by going off that "heels leaving the ground" statement, youre putting weight on your toes. you should try deloading and try squatting with your toes curled up as much as possible. that will teach you how to keep ur weight on ur heels real fast.

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well i figure i might as well post this, i posted a squat form check on stronglifts forum and no one replied. gg. this video is old (2 months) but my squat form hasnt changed and if nething its more proper now since ive deloaded back down to 205 (tweaking ankles while skating ftl) this is at 250


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what hiit does everyone smash?

when I do it, I like treadmill pushing. would pull a sled if I could do it somewhere here.

Okay, is this any better? If not I will deload to 70kg and work back up again.

same problem as the last one.

suggestions: hips BACK and down before you start bending at the knees.

also, what is up with pointing your toes out right before your first rep. if you're going to squat in that stance, then get your stance firmly in place before you start your descent.

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I suggest implementing box squats to get a feel for the movement.

your torso should never really "lean" forward. it's more of a flattening out. the lower you go, the closer your torso will go to parallel with the floor. but you should be hinging at your hips and not your lower back. if your lower back starts to round out at the bottom of your squats that means you've got to strengthen your posterior chain more. things like ghr's and pullthroughs help a lot with that.

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Once again dude, thanks for the help.

I will try to implement them into the strong-lifts routine. I still have the feeling that flexibility for me is also an issue at the moment too, that and my legs are too long for my torso, I wish I had the natural Asian squat genetics. At this point in time I can't get anywhere near touching my toes without my back rounding.

I will aim to try harder!

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Okay, is this any better? If not I will deload to 70kg and work back up again.


November 2010:



Looking alright, but at first glance, I suggest you focus on your deltoids also. do you see how they're kind of rolling forward? Strong Delts and Lats will correct that. Functionally, they're extremely important, and they'll help stabilize your other lifts.

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Yeah you did, but I think when the server crashed we lost some stuff. I am glad my form is getting better at least.

So I gotta figure out how to sit further back, and also come up before moving forward, any tips on how I can avoid using my knees first? is it just a factor of needing to push my knees out harder? I hope this makes sense.

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your posterior chain, including your hams and glutes, is weak compared to your quads so you're placing the weight on your quads when you come up by throwing your knees forward.

lower the weight and do the movement properly. that and things like ghr's and pullthroughs will help strengthen your posterior chain.

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That sounds about right, I will drop the weight down again and I will also see if the gym has a Glute Ham Raise machine.

I will look at adding Pullthoughs to my workout.

So atm this is my workout:

Workout A:

Box Squat 5x5

Bench Press 5x5

Inverted Rows 3xF

Dips 3xF

Reverse Crunch 3x15

Workout B:

Box Squat 5x5

OHP 3x5

Deadlift 1x5

Pullups/Chinups 3xF

Bridges 3x60 seconds

I alternate 3 times a week on Mon Wed Fri. How should I add the post chain work?

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stick with something simple like this:


Squat or box squat 2-3 x 5

Glute/Ham Raises or pullthroughs 3 x 10

Bent Row or Chest Supported row 4 x 6

Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8

Calf Raises 3 x 15


Bench Press or low board press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 8

Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8

Skull Crushers 3 x 10

Ab work 3 x 10


Deadlift or rack deadlift 2-3 x 5

Leg press 2 x 10

Chin or lat pull-down 4 x 6

Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8

Calf Raises 3 x 15


Incline bench press or Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3

Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 8

Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8

Tricep pushdowns 3 x 10

Ab work 3 x 10

a lot of beginners, like yourself, intermediates, and even advanced trainees make great gains off that format.

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