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What kind of look are you trying to achieve and what is the weather like where you're located? For me it's all about hmm, everything I guess but I'd say my main interests are blazers and shoes.

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I think it depends on the budget you have.

Maybe u should concentrate on some basics like tee-shirts and some shoes (?, depends on your aimed-at look) and so on and then buy some more expensive pieces.

This will maybe take u a little forward.

I think I spend most for jeans and shoes.

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i'd agree with kunk's post with a few exceptions (like i can't stand sweaters.) but it's the right idea.

in addition to some good basics like a quality suit, the most important pieces not to be frugal with are shoes, denim, and watch. you can look like a million bucks with a nice watch, rich indigo jeans, and a $5 t-shirt. it especially works if you're on a budget. you kind of portray the sense that you appreciate quality, but aren't so vain and insecure that you primp and fret over every little piece of clothing. (even if you do...)

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so for people who asked i am in high school, live in Toronto Canada (the weather is all over the map; freezing winters and humid summers) alot of you guys mentioned suits, but i don't think I'd have the ocassion to wear one. As for my budget. its pretty much dirt cheap, I don't have a job and parents aren't human bank machines. the look I am going for.... well, I just really like indie music, and when ever I go to a concert nobody is dressed like me and nobody stands within a 5 foot radius of me. so skinny jeans....but i am not sure what else I need.

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For serious, though, you really need to just start observing and taking note of what you like. What sort of aesthetic? What sort of silhouette? What works on your body? As a high school kid, thrifting would probably be your best bet (although this does require staggering amounts of time to find worthwhile buys), but you should look into investing in a couple of quality pieces that you know you'll wear often (e.g. coat, jeans).

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For high school budget.

Cop some apc jeans, few good styles to choose from and the value is there. Go try on shoes. Figure out if you're a low top or high top kinda guy. Buy some v-necks and crew neck tees for summer (AA is what I went with [ebay]) Then start saving for a winter coat. This is all very basic and generic shit that you can expand upon as you find your own style.

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Everything else you can get cheap stuff thats good but with denim price is fairly determinate of quality.

the fuck are you talking about? levis work perfectly fine for most people, and certainly meet the average quality standard.

$300 jeans are for enthusiasts, not the average person.

when starting a new wardrobe, the bulk of your money should go toward shoes and outerwear. you can get away with inexpensive shirts and pants for a while.

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Everything else you can get cheap stuff thats good but with denim price is fairly determinate of quality.

lol the complete opposite is true. Jeans are jeans, fuck this worship of japanese selvage for 300 dollars. Spend money towards shit that actually looks good like nice shoes, jackets, well-fitting pants, etc.

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I'm not talking about $300 jeans, I'm talking APCs or something. As a matter of fact I'm really not a fan of most Japanese denim. Especially if he wants the indie rock look, Levi's probably aren't going to cut it. That look basically is t-shirt (cheap), vans/converse (cheap), maybe a hoodie (cheap), and then some better jeans.

Shoes I agree with, but for the look he wants you can get good cheap sneakers.

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i try to use this rule of thumb on everything except basics.

when i look at a piece of clothing, from a tie to a coat to a pair of slacks..

is this something that i am going to keep forever???

is the style/design of the piece going to look good no matter what the fashion of the time is? is it a classic look? how are the materials? is it going to last me for life? what about the fit? does this fit me like it was made for me? will the fit also pass the test of time?

when it comes to basics, they are called that for a reason.. they are basics. consider them background to the rest of your presentation. they come in, they wear out, they go in the trash, you buy more. spend the least money on basics so you have more money for the rest of your clothes.

good luck.

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you're a high school student and you'll most likely have a few hours each week to hit up your local thirft stores. find things that you could imagine yourself wearing and pulling off.

my list of a good start:

3-5 basic t-shirts(solids im talking about)

3-5 t-shirts

2-3 button shirts

1-2 hoodies / jackets

1-2 blazer

1 suit (thick as thieves is a good buy for the price range)

1-3 pants

1-2/3 jeans

ties for different events

(dont go cheap on these unless you find a diamond in the rough)

this list should give you a good amount of clothes for you to easily mix and match and wear that'll last you a good season or two. follow fashion mags if you'd like and buy things that are similar to what you like in the mags you see.

since you're just in high school with little source of income start thigns slow.. dont just buy all in one day. and work with what you have..

shoes are very important also. i think shoes can make / break the outfit you're wearing. have a few sneakers for rotation and maybe one or two dress shoes you like. (its always a good thing to have apparel for formal events)

pay for what its worth and try finding things on sale(if going super expensive)

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I've begun to dislike the idea of planning a wardrobe.

When I first found sufu I became obsessed with idea of preplanning it so I'd have around a certain number of this or that, but I've learned to say "fuck it" to that kind of shit. It's best to buy what you think looks great. People have more focus on certain items of clothing or another, (unless you're ballin as fuck and just get whatever you want).

Same with the idea of getting "classic" "timeless" pieces. Get what you want at the moment, and resell if you eventually tire of it. You're going to tire of everything, and unless these are the last pieces of clothing you're ever going to get then don't look too far down the line. If anything, have an image in your mind of what you want to look like, and just keep getting pieces that fit that description.

I'm not talking about $300 jeans, I'm talking APCs or something. As a matter of fact I'm really not a fan of most Japanese denim. Especially if he wants the indie rock look, Levi's probably aren't going to cut it. That look basically is t-shirt (cheap), vans/converse (cheap), maybe a hoodie (cheap), and then some better jeans.

This is dumb. For a typical "indie rock" look you can get away with cheap mondays or skinny levis. AA V-neck, 511s, and chucks. Uninspired, typical, but not disgusting to wear to a show. For something like that, shoes I think would be a more interesting choice to spend money on.

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so for people who asked i am in high school, live in Toronto Canada (the weather is all over the map; freezing winters and humid summers) alot of you guys mentioned suits, but i don't think I'd have the ocassion to wear one. As for my budget. its pretty much dirt cheap, I don't have a job and parents aren't human bank machines. the look I am going for.... well, I just really like indie music, and when ever I go to a concert nobody is dressed like me and nobody stands within a 5 foot radius of me. so skinny jeans....but i am not sure what else I need.

Hm, I don't think you should dress for the fact that people should not stand 5 foot away but 2 foot away. You should dress for others but the way you dress should coincide with the image you have from yourself and you should dress how you like.

I know that was not the question, but I had to answer to this 5-foot-radius mention. ;)

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Hm, I don't think you should dress for the fact that people should not stand 5 foot away but 2 foot away. You should dress for others but the way you dress should coincide with the image you have from yourself and you should dress how you like.

I know that was not the question, but I had to answer to this 5-foot-radius mention. ;)

Its not that I am dressing for other people, I find i just no longer like my clothes at all they are bland/generic mall-type shit.

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git sum culurful dunk sbs and chipp mundays and sum aa shirts and a flannel and a hat and a moustache and some sunglasses and whatever.

then. whatever.

if you are not dressing for other people, don't ask other people to dress you.

well said, that hurts lol. but I am just saying I want to change my image so I can meet the kind of people who share my intrests. but what I meant is I don't want to be "generic"

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