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I was a barista for a small coffee company for a year... I wasn't trained before hand, but looking back on it-I wish I would have been. There are a lot of cool drinks you can make with coffee, and the better you know the tricks the faster you can make the drinks :]

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i worked at star bucks for 2 days and it was the shittiest job ever. I quit the day before training because once I saw that retarded sized bible on customer service and starbuck stock bullshit I realized this was an avenue for people without skill so I said fuck it and worked at the gap all summer instead.

I should have stayed at starbucks though because it was basically gauranteed that I would get with the single cute girl that was my age that worked there but a mans got to have principles

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i worked at star bucks... I realized this was an avenue for people without skill so I said fuck it and worked at the gap all summer instead.

Uhhhhh... nevermind. I have a bunch of friends who are baristas at a smaller coffee places that are only in one city. They love it, though mostly for the people they work with.

I'd never heard it pronounced anything but Buh-Rees-Ta. Buh as in Bug. Rees as in Reese's Peanut butter cups. Ta as in stuck but with more of an "ah" sound.

Here's the dictionary guide with audio: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/barista

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yeah, this wouldn't be at fucking starbucks. just a local ''upscale'' cafe.

I think im gonna do it. Owner is hottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

I've been a Barista for the past few months. It's pronounced bah-reast-ah. I really love the job, it's not at a Starbucks but at a local upscale cafe that roasts there own coffee and supplies other places around the state.

I'm glad I have Barista training, it's a fun and easy skill, and since there are Starbucks and coffee shops all over the world it could definitely come in handy down the road. Plus I can make myself free drinks whenever I want.

Also the differences between drinks are super simple to learn, a lot of it is just differences in the amount of foam or steamed milk that you add to the espresso. It will only take you a few weeks tops to have a pretty good handle on it.

I say go for it, it's the best job I've had, and while the pay isn't fantastic and we don't accept tips, I would still choose it over a job that paid a bit more.

The only downside I see is smelling like coffee, and if you handle some flavored coffee beans then the oils can get on your hands and I'm a little ocd about hand cleanliness so that bugs me.

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They love it, though mostly for the people they work with.

makes ALL of the difference in a coffee shop. you'll get a lot of shitty customers and it helps to work with people who understand and will make fun of them with you. make sure your manager is lenient-so you can drink free coffee, goof off etc.

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Guest doubletap

i used to be a barista for 2 years & worked in two different coffeeshops, all in all i've learned a lot about coffee culture and met some really cool people.

independent cafes are where its at, the people that go there aren't ur usual starbucks clientele and never really fuck with you, but they do appreciate properly made drinks which take some time to master.

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i work at starbucks. i don't like it. i close all the time and theres way too many regulations. but some of the people who work there are pretty cool, so i can vouch for the "working with cool people" thing about coffee shops. for those out there who are trying to become a barista, defintely try to go for the independent coffee shops. you'll love the job ten times more than if you work at corporate coffee like starbucks or peets.

and the coffee at starbucks sucks too, i go to independent coffee places to get real coffee.

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