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good picture from a point and shoot?


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So I just ordered a Canon G9, which I'm pretty pumped about. I'm really new to any type of photography at all. The photos posted in the most recent thread have looked awesome. Were all/most of them done w/ dSLRs? If so, should I still be able to get some pretty good quality pics from mine if I work with the settings?

I ran a search on this. hopefully It isn't redundant

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what u mean 'most recent thread'

and a lot of ppl postin waywt and recent purchase just use auto for quick pic [not sayin it bad thing] but for real for basic pic of cluthez n fit a point n shoot is fine

in fact if u bought it for clouthe pic n random shit, G9 is prolly too much

i wor kat camera store n i fuck arund wit all da cam all da time and like the ~100-150$ cameras take surprisingly good pics... u shud start small every1 go for g9 i dunno why, not like its rly compact either

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I was referring to the "photog post vol 2" or whatever.

I don't plan on just taking pics for WAYWT (though Im sure I will be)

I got it as a suggestion hoping that maybe I could learn more and take it up as some sort of hobby

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ok wel the g9 pretty good. most ppl using SLR but sometimes ppl post point-and-shoot camera and they feel the need to post an excuse like 'takin wit mah shitty p&s' but often if they didnt post da disclaimer u cudnt tell diff between their pix and the pix on say, an xt/d40 wit kit lens...

point and shoot often have good macro mode lol can focus like 0.05 inch up to object sometime, and like 3200iso witout bein too grainy.. jus take a lot of pics... the 'manual' functions of a p&s suck and are fake anywayz..

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A canon G9 is badass, couple people on here have it and love it. I know a travel writer who bought it and he's in love with it. Don't take faggoty pics of flowers or close-ups of rope/cats/woodplanks and you'll have a great time and take great photos.

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canon g9 is closest thing to dslr you can get out of a p&s. in fact its probably better than some of the entry dslrs out there just from a functionality and form factor. plus who cares if you can't swap out the lens if the lens if the range you'll use right?

for what its worth my panasonic lx2 takes better pictures than my canon 10d..

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If you're a beginner, it's probably easier to get good looking photos shooting auto with something foolproof like a Fuji F30 than fiddling around with manual adjustments on a SLR.

The G9 is a good p&s to fiddle around with, but for its size, I'd rather just have a full featured SLR.

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