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Magic Mushrooms


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Ya know what's beautiful? I'll tell you. Two 8ths of shrooms chillin in my closet waiting to be eaten next weekend by me and my friend. It'll be my 3rd time taking em and I cannot wait. Plus I get to do it in the comfort of my own home with all my instruments!

Anyone else love these little buggers?

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I did mushrooms once in grade 12. We took like 4gs dried - i don't know if that's a lot or a little, and smoked weed - i don't know if that's a bad or good mix. Anyway, shit lasted like 9 hours and was the worst night ever. It would have been fine if we stayed in one place, but driving around in a friends car destroyed me. Also walking in the rain oh god no.

Best part was once it was wearing off i could feel individual senses coming back to normal and i thought i was going blind so i spent a while in bed convincing myself that life blind wouldn't be so bad. I hated it, but it was cool what my mind could do i guess. I'd do it again, just not that much and not moving around.

Oh also, questions. Is it true that your experience depends on your mindset going into it? I wasn't really down for it, so maybe that contributed to it?

Also how safe is it to do it in nature? A couple of friends keep mentioning they want to do it at their cottage but i'm worried someone will drown or get mauled by a bear or something haha.

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Shrooms and LSD are totally different animals to me. I'll totally drop acid at a party and enjoy the flashing colors that aren't really there, the way it just enhances things. But that's all that's really about for me.

On the other hand, I really like what shrooms do to my whole approach to life. Give me a nice sunny day, no place to be, and and eight of quality shrooms and I'll let them do my thinking until it gets dark.

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I think its how you feel going into taking them. I've had bad trips where I didn't really feel like taking them but took them to try to make myself feel better. The trip was just 8 hours of terror. But when I was hyped up to take em it was like a body high. All and all X is the best drug i've ever taken next to coke.

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shrooms are fun. accidentally took a 1/4 oz because i couldnt eye ball it correctly. best nightmare i ever had, thought i was going to die but that isnt too uncommon when i take hallucinogens. now if acid was still easy to find.

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Yeah, mindset is important for shrooms. A happy mindset contributes greatly to a happy trip. The length of time depends on how much you eat and the strength of the stuff. I find they usually last 4-6 hours. Doing it in nature is fun, especially with no one around. I've done the driving around thing too, and that is not so fun. It's best to just chill somewhere without a lot of people around. Have some good music playing, and you're gonna have a good time.

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Guest jeffvyain

last time i got involved with shrooms i spent most of the night sitting upside down on a couch listening to ambient music. sat upside down because shrooms give you nausea and i felt like my stomach was turned around, so i was straightening it out. listened to ambient because i never knew what was coming next, and every time certain notes hit me unexpectedly they would send shivers down my spine. i had a good time, but not near the visuals i had experienced the only other time i've done it. it's been quite some time for me, and i doubt i'll do them again any time soon, but it was good fun while it lasted.

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All drug related threads are in the trash...this one too

Now, if you wanted to make a specific "drug culture" thread, related more to people involved, eras, language, and other "cultural" ideas and not the discussion of sufu'ers use, then by all means make a thread in the culture.

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I've been planning on either shrooming or going for some acid with some friends and just strolling around Berkeley. There's usually enough crazy shit going on somewhere that I'm sure we could engage in plenty of mayhem. The last time we shroomed, my friend decided to try sitting on a cactus and did not notice until we told him. Also, some prep/A&F douchebags tried calling us out on our trip in the middle of a Mexican restaurant, so we resorted to crazy, tripped-out stare-down tactics.

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an 1/8 at the beach that peaked during the sunset was probably one of the best experiences of my life

an 1/8 at a friends house while not doing much had me thinkin shit like "im dying, im dead, im someone else," not to mention zippers everywhere unravelling the fabric of the universe and i was too terrified to look at what was behind it.

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8 years ago i was shrooming with some friends at a park at sunset, and it was grand. while the clouds were fighting with each other in the sky (which looked like a moving checkerboard), the brilliant colors of the sunset were reflecting off the pond, making it look like some crazy time warp. so i decided to walk towards it. as i got closer, i saw a bunch of kodama's walking around a tree, like those little tree spirits from Princesss Mononoke:


so of course, i reached down and caught one with my hands. when i opened my hands, i saw a couple Cheerios in my palm. i guess some kid was feeding the fish before i got there. fucker.

then i had to take a piss so i went to the nearest building (i was on my college campus), and everyone i saw was wearing Oliver Twist style outfits and i thought "damn these shrooms are great", and before i knew it i had no idea where i was and i was surrounded by a shitload of Oliver Twist peasant pilgram lookin ass folks, all staring at me and asking me what im doing there. turns out the building i entered was the Drama building and i walked backstage into a play. so i got the fuck outta there and i dont know where my friends went so i went back to my dorm. the next thing i remember, i come out of an elevator and 18 korean fobs say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" at me, and i bugged the fuck out, Who the fuck are yall niggaz it aint my bday and i aint korean, and i literally sprinted away, probably faster than i've ever ran in my life. later on outside my dorm, my roommate told me it was Suji's bday (this girl who lived in my dorm). she is real short so i didnt know that she was standing next to me.

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^dem some crazy goombas! How much'd you eat?

I've had some amazing nights rampaging through the mountains by moonlight... Been a while though I don't really like the feeling of it poisoning me.

much prefer a pure hit of MDMA, would like to try it + a hit of acid.

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last time I shroomed at the beach, it was at night and had a bon fire. everyone kept messing with me saying my name. I thought demons were calling me. anytime I looked anyone in the face they had scales all over like some kind of reptile. I sat in the sand staring down and kept seeing all these faces telling me I was going to die. eventually I just laid out in the sand, and for some reason I swore people were saying "high tide" so I would randomly jump up and realize there was no water.

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Speaking of bonfires.... when I went to Burning Man, I shroomed the night of the temple burn. Fucking hypnotic. Sitting right up against those flames, I felt like I developed some kind of mental symbiotic link with it. And I made new friends, and we made s'mores.

To finally have to get up and walk away, when I felt it was time to do so, was like being birthed into the coldest, most depressing world ever. And it's hard to feel that way in an environement like Black Rock City. Coming down off that trip was rough. I should have just stuck it out by the bonfire.

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In Amsterdam tourists eat 'shrooms and then throw themselves to death off of bridges and highway pass-overs...

So yea...

One of the greatest times I've had was eating shrooms in Amsterdam, going on a canal tour and then trying to walk to Oosterpark (made it after 2 hours and I'm pretty sure it's a 30 min walk sober). It's a damn shame a handful of british morons didn't do thier homework, now I'll never get to shroom in heaven again.

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last time I shroomed at the beach, it was at night and had a bon fire. everyone kept messing with me saying my name. I thought demons were calling me. anytime I looked anyone in the face they had scales all over like some kind of reptile. I sat in the sand staring down and kept seeing all these faces telling me I was going to die.

haha.. same thing happened to my friend even though we werent trying to mess with him. he said we all had devil faces so he ran from us, and eventually he got lost in a "maze of fire", which was just a park. the rest of us laid on the grass and watched him frantically run around in zigzags and circles and screaming. yeah, he thought he was in Hell.

his mind just wasnt ready for the psilocybin in his system

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i read somewhere that you eat/drink chocolate/orange juice to either bring you up more intensely or to bring you down. which of them does which? if true, of course.

pretty sure theres been unofficial research confirming that lemon juice intensifies the trip or at least the come up

one of my friends goes to a college on the outskirts of this thick forest. him and a couple of his friends decided they were going to shroom and go wander the forest, and, you know, commune with nature or some shit. so they're wandering the forest, and they all see this faery. and they're like "what the fuck, it's a faery! we need to keep it" so they grab this faery, smuggle it into their dorm, lock it in the closet and go to sleep. they wake up the next morning like "damn, that was crazy that we caught a faery". so one of them opens the closet door and.. there's a 4 year old boy in their closet. turns out, this kid had run away from home and gotten lost in the woods, only to be found by these guys. they even got a reward and shit.


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one of my friends goes to a college on the outskirts of this thick forest. him and a couple of his friends decided they were going to shroom and go wander the forest, and, you know, commune with nature or some shit. so they're wandering the forest, and they all see this faery. and they're like "what the fuck, it's a faery! we need to keep it" so they grab this faery, smuggle it into their dorm, lock it in the closet and go to sleep. they wake up the next morning like "damn, that was crazy that we caught a faery". so one of them opens the closet door and.. there's a 4 year old boy in their closet. turns out, this kid had run away from home and gotten lost in the woods, only to be found by these guys. they even got a reward and shit.

I have a similar story. Its called The Gremlin Story.

My friends brother and 2 of his friends were on acid. The 2 friends were sitting on the couch watching tv. Suddenly the older brother bursts into the room looking all excited: "GUYS! I CAUGHT A FUCKIN GREMLIN!!"

The 2 friends look at each other and just say "nahhh, you didnt catch a gremlin. gremlins dont exist man!!" so the brother goes "no seriously! a fuckin GREMLIN!!"

So the 2 friends go to check it out. They walk towards the front door and open the cupboard under the stairs (harry potter style). In there is a small child with downs syndrome.

The brother had wandered off into the street and abducted a kid with downs syndrome and had tied him up in the closet.

Maybe its really a myth and we both have altered versions of the story. In any case, i win.

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One night a boy and his friend decided to take mushrooms at a party. Later, they were dropped off near another friend's house and walked to the house they thought was his. The screen door was open so they just walked in and fell asleep on the couch together.

The house belonged to some old guy who lived by himself. The whole time the boys were sleeping on the couch the old guy was watching T.V. in another room. The next morning a neighbor came over, saw the two boys, and immediately called the authorities saying, "There are two men in my neighbor's home that do not belong here."

The boys were arrested and charged for felony drug possession and burglary of a residence (even though nothing was stolen, except for a few Zzz's... hachacha hachacha hachacha). Bond was set at $20,000 each.

Luckily… All charges were dropped after 5 days in jail and an interesting court hearing.

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