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Obama wins Democratic Nomination


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I agree in many ways. Yet, Slowbama has no spine. No spine at all. He plays to special interests yet his campaign's foundation is based on a convincing lie opposing that truth.

There's just that one little issue that gives me faith in Ron Paul. Just that one.

"According to one source ‘it was estimated that they controlled half the wealth of the world’. At one point, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was controlled by five banks which owned 53% of its stock. These five banks were controlled by Nathan M. Rothschild & Sons of London. Control over the U.S. ‘Fed’ is basically control over the world’s money. That fact alone shows how immense the Rothschilds’ power is.

“If one examines who has been appointed to head the Fed, and to run it, the connections of the ‘Federal’ Reserve System to the Rothschilds can further be seen.†For example, “former Paul A. Volker went to work for the Rothschilds as chairman of the European investment banking firm, J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn and Co. in March 1992.â€


The Rothschild family has financed both sides of every major war of the last 100+ years. It's not a hidden fact. It's not hoohaw promoted by fringe groups. It's fact and it's easy to obtain. That family owns our federal reserve which controls our economy and every branch of our government. The Rothschilds are zionist israeli nationalists and the backbone of the israel lobby that obama cowers to. There will be no change.





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Now tell me that 9/11 was done by the jews!

I thought you were of reasonable intelligence, I'm REALLY enjoying this right now.

Edit: Just out of general knowledge, I'd like to point out that while the federal reserve bank is owned privately, the owners have no say in policy. The policy is dictated by a publicly appointed board.

Edit 2: Additionally Jet, I'm not really prepared to debate things like the gold standard and the federal reserve, this is because only retards believe these things. If you would like a full set of academically sourced refutations please send me all of your hilarious notions about how your country is really run and I'll get back to you after exams this week.

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hali-- what i said is that ron paul is so rightist that he starts to appeal to people with leftist ideals. and to me, that is insane. you can't sacrifice all you believe in just because one thing a person says makes sense to you.

jetle-- i know my politricks. i know about the fed. i think you've had a little too much of the texas tea.

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I thought you were cool jet

turns out you're like my backwoods libertarian neighbors.


Yeah, I'm bummed out, too. I was a pretty left-leaning guy until I realised that most of the left couldn't read and were exactly the same type of easily manipulated youth-culture that you find on the right. That didn't make me into a nationalist, but it did make me almost apolitical. Now I flip flop aimlessly.

Is really the only thing I can think of when someone tells me they legitimately support Ron Paul.

And don't give me this "oh, you again" bullshit. Condescention toward me, from you, is laughable. Prove your fucking worth before you assert superiority.

As he says absolutely nothing to discredit anything that I've said.

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hali-- what i said is that ron paul is so rightist that he starts to appeal to people with leftist ideals. and to me, that is insane. you can't sacrifice all you believe in just because one thing a person says makes sense to you.

this is what happens with politico-anarcho hardcore punks that think they are so anti that they move to berlin so they can squat and live the "real" life, then they go back to college during the regular year, and eventually will become fortune 500 lackeys because in their minds, which have no yet caught up to their station in life, they are stil undermining the same thing they weren't undermining when they were in college. So left they're right.

And the world keeps turning.

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Yeah, I'm bummed out, too. I was a pretty left-leaning guy until I realised that most of the left couldn't read and were exactly the same type of easily manipulated youth-culture that you find on the right. That didn't make me into a nationalist, but it did make me almost apolitical. Now I flip flop aimlessly.

You and John McCain would make great friends I guess.

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To tell the truth in the start of this i had no hope in Obama winning.. guy really surprised me .. lets see where he takes it and all this talk about "change" lets see what happens

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You and John McCain would make great friends I guess.

Well the flip-floppage comment was a joke. I don't really see what you're getting at, though. As McCain and I are about as similar as GI Joe and Stetch Armstrong. Are these symptoms of that oh-so-american black and white, "If you're not us, you're them" syndrome?

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this is what happens with politico-anarcho hardcore punks that think they are so anti that they move to berlin so they can squat and live the "real" life

christopher isherwood?

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I would also like to point out that my original comment about fakeposting was totally serious. I legitimately believed that Jet was making a funny joke. I had no clue that he was stupid.

It never occured to me. That's one in his favour I guess.

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To tell the truth in the start of this i had no hope in Obama winning.. guy really surprised me .. lets see where he takes it and all this talk about "change" lets see what happens

And unfortunately that's the only hope any of us have. I'll be voting for him not because I like him, because I really don't, but because the situation is just too serious for me not to give him the vote.

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Well the flip-floppage comment was a joke. I don't really see what you're getting at, though. As McCain and I are about as similar as GI Joe and Stetch Armstrong. Are these symptoms of that oh-so-american black and white, "If you're not us, you're them" syndrome?

McCain is a famous political whore, this you should already know. While he professes his right-wing allegiance, he's tried to hop in bed with the Dems for years, with things like McCain-Feingold, and always loves to bring up his bi-partisan credentials and how level-headed he is. If you haven't seen Why We Fight, then just see it for his commentary in there. While the movie has a liberal-bent to it, he clearly undermines everything he has been communicating to his constituency during this primary season and has refuted almost everyone of his beliefs in the last decade or so. The man is a flawed politician who plays to special interests just as much as any other politician these days. He will get in bed with any and everyone as long as he gets what he wants.

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I would also like to point out that my original comment about fakeposting was totally serious. I legitimately believed that Jet was making a funny joke. I had no clue that he was stupid.

It never occured to me. That's one in his favour I guess.


And are you still accusing me of not responding with anything substantial to back my statements?

We don't like each other. Get over it.

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This thread is honestly so high quality.

To Jet: It's not even that I don't like you. I initially disliked you, then I warmed to you, then I disliked you again. My opinion toward you right now is not of dislike, and I would harbour no ill will if you stopped beefing with me.

Your political views on the other hand... I'm afraid there's no way to properly convey this textually, so you'll have to take my word for it. I STILL THINK YOU'RE JOKING.

In all seriousness, I don't believe that you believe these things. My pitiful eudclidean mind is unable to rationalize your beliefs.

I still think you're going to start a thread that says: TRICKED YOU ALL.

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McCain is a famous political whore, this you should already know. While he professes his right-wing allegiance, he's tried to hop in bed with the Dems for years, with things like McCain-Feingold, and always loves to bring up his bi-partisan credentials and how level-headed he is. If you haven't seen Why We Fight, then just see it for his commentary in there. While the movie has a liberal-bent to it, he clearly undermines everything he has been communicating to his constituency during this primary season and has refuted almost everyone of his beliefs in the last decade or so. The man is a flawed politician who plays to special interests just as much as any other politician these days. He will get in bed with any and everyone as long as he gets what he wants.

Exactly. That's the problem. He played to moderates in the beginning. I'm somewhat moderate, a little more left I'd say, but I still see grey. The problem with the middle is that grey matter isn't a dense enough element to really bring people together. The advantage, though, is that in times of desperation one can witness the grey matter split into factions and one playing the grey card can hitch a ride on the more populated side. IE McCain.

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i think everyone just votes for who they think is going to win, just to say they voted for the guy who won

or they vote on a narrow view of unimportant issues

shits going to hit the fan when they keep letting social programs continue and passing more. say goodbye to social security, medicare, welfare, veterans programs etc. because we wont have enough money to fund any of that in the upcoming years.

Hell, we dont and will not have enough money to cover the social program promises already made.

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if john mccain is george bush's third term, then barack obama is jimmy carter's second


p.s. canucks -- mind your own fucking business

flawed reasoning. Jimmy Carter was a lame duck from the gate. Obama may be inexperienced but the man is smart. Just look at Carter now, can't even stop himself from saying something anti-semitic.

Exactly. That's the problem. He played to moderates in the beginning. I'm somewhat moderate, a little more left I'd say, but I still see grey. The problem with the middle is that grey matter isn't a dense enough element to really bring people together. The advantage, though, is that in times of desperation one can witness the grey matter split into factions and one playing the grey card can hitch a ride on the more populated side. IE McCain.


This is an excuse all the independents are using, and its some populist bullshit. Get off your "grey" matter tip and try and see things with color. It would spell the end of this country if another Republican was elected to office fresh off the worst President in immediate American history, and a presidency that will prove to be one, if not the, worst in our countries timeline.

American's are dumb, but not that dumb.

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This is an excuse all the independents are using, and its some populist bullshit. Get off your "grey" matter tip and try and see things with color. It would spell the end of this country if another Republican was elected to office fresh off the worst President in immediate American history, and a presidency that will prove to be one, if not the, worst in our countries timeline.

American's are dumb, but not that dumb.

if they arent that dumb why have we let two parties take over the government

why have we let them spend tax money on pointless shit and given more of our freedoms up?

COINTEL PRO is basically the same as the Patriot Act.

We need someone willing to perform political suicide to get shit done that needs to be done.

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jeep don't engage jet you know dude is very firm about his beliefs

let him have them, your vote counts all the same as his does

the essence of arguing about politics on the internet is you tap on the keyboard for hours trying (in vain) to change the mind of some random guy livin in a different timezone. you could be much more impactful in society by volunteering your time to an organization you support, or donating food/blood (to name a few)

actions > words

lock plz

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if they arent that dumb why have we let two parties take over the government

why have we let them spend tax money on pointless shit and given more of our freedoms up?

COINTEL PRO is basically the same as the Patriot Act.

We need someone willing to perform political suicide to get shit done that needs to be done.

noggro, its been a two party system forever. Our government is based off a two party system.

I can't answer the other two, you can talk to the Congressmen that were jerking each other off to be the first to sign the Patriot Act. The American populus is not dumb, they've just been blinded for far too long.

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jeep don't engage jet you know dude is very firm about his beliefs

let him have them, your vote counts all the same as his does

the essence of arguing about politics on the internet is you tap on the keyboard for hours trying (in vain) to change the mind of some random guy livin in a different timezone. you could be much more impactful in society by volunteering your time to an organization you support, or donating food/blood (to name a few)

actions > words

lock plz

I read the styleforum ones for the lulz.

I never thought it would happen here.

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flawed reasoning. Jimmy Carter was a lame duck from the gate. Obama may be inexperienced but the man is smart. Just look at Carter now, can't even stop himself from saying something anti-semitic.


This is an excuse all the independents are using, and its some populist bullshit. Get off your "grey" matter tip and try and see things with color. It would spell the end of this country if another Republican was elected to office fresh off the worst President in immediate American history, and a presidency that will prove to be one, if not the, worst in our countries timeline.

American's are dumb, but not that dumb.

Anti-semitism? What is anti-semitism. I've never heard of that. Tell me, sheepster.

I wonder what the "excuse all the independents were using" when they cut the chord to Great Britain.

No offense, but I already told you that I'm not voting republican. In fact, I never have. I'm pretty most independents aren't either. Seems like flawed logic because even large numbers of republicans are jumping ship. What are you talking about?

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