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so like.. kimbo barely won that shit


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i dunno kimbos gonna have to go 5x harder than he did this fight because shit you dont think that dude was already training his ass off for a first ever primetime MMA fight and he tired out after the first round?

hes got a long way to go, but it was a great fight to watch

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fuck there was a fight last night, i went to the birthday party of one of my brothers friends, it was lame as hell. im talking hours of board games

well at least i got teh pulver vs. faber fight to look forward to later today.

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Remember what Aleks did to Thompson at PRIDE. And Kimbo's supposed to be a heavy-handed brawler and he couldnt even KO this doofy-ass glassjaw.

Fuckin amateur hour.

And what was up with Thompson attacking the ref after stoppage? Go find a new career you punching bag.

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hey honestly my skin is probably as light as yours so im not trying to bring race into anything. I may have went gone over the top with my reply, but i didnt really care at the time nor do I think its such a big deal now.

jeterwfg got sensitive because I called the white girl that got choked the fuck out a white bitch and I simply defended myself with colorful language. I could really care less what her skin color was because the bottom line was that it was a good fight and the white bitch took a beating at the end of it. Nobody brought racial dispute in here until he started whining.

white, black, or yellow il refer to all women as bitches simply because I do not know them personally by name. get off it

You seem to really be hanging on to the fact that she was white and mentioning that you're black.

I think you need to watch some fedor and tone that silly shit down.

watch your fucking mouth when you speak to me boy I use race for distinction. that bitch just happened to be white but i dont know that silly bitches name. she could be a black bitch and id still say that bitch got pounded and choked out on national television you pestilent fuck. I dont know that cunts name so to me shes just another white bitch like your moms. And what the fuck does fedor have to do with this conversation shit brains. fuck out of my thread lame


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Yeah, the Kimbo fight was clearly fixed. Thompson is known as a person with a shitty jaw, so they put him up against a guy who has over-hyped punching power...really good match-up...The reason why Kimbo didn't dominate this fight is because:

1) Thompson isn't some bum off the street like Kimbo is used to fighting

2) Thompson isn't a retired boxer

3) Thompson isn't an over-weight fatso who has no technical ability

I have lots of respect for Kimbo, but Thompson was obviously brought in to be a stepping stone to build hype for Kimbo. In spite of this, Thompson was cleaning the floor with Kimbo, and was ahead on points. If he drained his fucking humongous ear before the fight, it wouldn't have played such a huge factor.

Both fighters were completely gassed and Kimbo did have Thompson in trouble at the end of the fight, but it's not like that was the first time he was wobbly that match. He could have easily clinched, dragged Kimbo down, and lay on top of him for the rest of the round. God knows Kimbo wouldn't be able to get out. The only sweep he accomplished was the slowest thing I've ever seen and he ended up putting him self in Thompson's guard.

As of right now, Kimbo has a huge way to go to become an actual threat in MMA. I respect his heart and dedication, and I respect that he has come from nothing and made something out of himself. I love this sport though, and he is getting way more recognition than someone of his caliber should.

Also Carano fucked that other girl up soooo bad. Maybe she should take Gina's nickname because her ass got CRUSHED.

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lesnar and pretty much any 'big name' HW fighter would kill kimbo. shit dana white was right when he said even bj penn would take him. kimbo got dominated on the ground by james fucking thompson

worst stoppages in any event ever

seriously. if penn and kimbo fought, id put my money on penn.

ive seen kimbo fight before, but ive never been impressed. thats why i dont really pay attention when his name is mentioned. i didnt even know he had a fight until this thread was created. explains why his face is everywhere nowadays.

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seriously. if penn and kimbo fought, id put my money on penn.

ive seen kimbo fight before, but ive never been impressed. thats why i dont really pay attention when his name is mentioned. i didnt even know he had a fight until this thread was created. explains why his face is everywhere nowadays.

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and i just watched the fight

all i gotta say

near the end of round 2 where Thompson had him pinned down and was continuously smashin him in the head w/ his forearm would not have gone on that long if it were UFC. they woulda called the fight after about 5 of those shots

EDIT: EWWWWWWWW @ Thompson's ear

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Sorry, but I'm still pissed about this. The guy had enough strength to be standing, so he couldn't have been in that much danger. If he was knocked to the ground or something, then perhaps I could see a stoppage. Ugh, what a bullshit call ref.

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thing is though, they said that guy almost lost his ear and that would completely ended his career. You cant tell me kimbo wouldnt have gotten another shot on that fucking mutant living inside of it.

they should have drained it or something before the fight like somebody said. a report said he had to be hospitalized after the fight so maybe the ref made the right call. If the ear hadnt exploded though, then it was definately a worse call than it already was

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yeah i think the fight was stopped because of the ear, not because he couldn't defend himself. however, he did also appear to be just a few hard punches away from being knocked out.

but i agree that when kimbo was taking elbows to the head, we was not defending himself intelligently, and the fought could have been stopped there. he was completely motionless...

i wonder about kimbo because he has no cardio at all and no defensive ground game, yet he trains with bas rutten?

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On second thought, James had to lose that fight. How can you go into a fight with your ear in that condition? I honestly can't believe they didn't fucking drain that thing. It's basically a huge bullseye for anyone who wants an easy win. Perhaps he will learn for next time.

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Let me preface this by saying that I am not a Kimbo fan...I honestly think he is garbage an hasn't fought anyone "legit"...First off, you need to watch the fight again, Kimbo tapped quick in the 2nd round when Thompson slapped that guillotine on him but the ref didn't "catch it." Also towards the end of the 2nd round when Thompson had Kimbo in the ironcross he was dog tired and was not doing any damage w/ his punches thus not ending the fight. As for the end of the fight it was justifed, if they would of let it go on 10 more sec. Thompson would of been flat on his ass imho...Just my 2 cents.

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it just didn't seem like kimbos punches were doing any damage towards the end. they were both tired and it was just sloppy, so he popped the ear. he took a couple right on the chin and didn't go down. the announcers mic was cut too as soon as he started saying that it was a horrible stoppage.

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Isn't this the sport that was supposed to supplant boxing? Because boxing was fixed and treated the boxers poorly and finished with bullshit decisions?

Kimbo Slice is 34 years old. At least that's the age he cops to. (Where have I heard that shit before?)

Maybe, after he gets his ass kicked by someone who knows what he's doing and doesn't have an explosive bullseye on the side of his head, he can come back as a promoter...

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see, what i liked about kimbo was that from the beginning, even when he was fighting in raw backyards in FL, he was always the nice guy. i fucking hate how most mmartists seem genuinely out to hurt someone. kimbo was some dirty crimey from the south kicking people's asses, but then he'd make sure they were okay and always seemed like a good sport. I can't root against someone like that. I hope he doesn't get spun into some villain character.

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see, what i liked about kimbo was that from the beginning, even when he was fighting in raw backyards in FL, he was always the nice guy. i fucking hate how most mmartists seem genuinely out to hurt someone. kimbo was some dirty crimey from the south kicking people's asses, but then he'd make sure they were okay and always seemed like a good sport. I can't root against someone like that. I hope he doesn't get spun into some villain character.

Like who??

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^^yeah, thats actually not true. most martial artists are very focused and disciplined in their art. Theyre fighting for a sense of accomplishment more so than malicious intent. Rarely do you see just some straight up asshole givin people the business just because he likes hurting people...... but once exception to that is the royce gracies son who is a son of a fucking bitch cunt that likes to hit up parties in the pacific palisades and pick fights with unsuspecting guys and break their arms just for the fuck of it.

I love MMA but gracies son is a disgrace to the sport and his family. he rolls with 3 other jerkoffs who are nothign but a bunch of spoiled rich cunts that have it coming to them

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see, what i liked about kimbo was that from the beginning, even when he was fighting in raw backyards in FL, he was always the nice guy. i fucking hate how most mmartists seem genuinely out to hurt someone. kimbo was some dirty crimey from the south kicking people's asses, but then he'd make sure they were okay and always seemed like a good sport. I can't root against someone like that. I hope he doesn't get spun into some villain character.

yeah. he might gloat a little here and there. i haven't heard him do it, but he seems mature. He's not trying to belittle the guy he's fighting.

he'll make a great fighter if he keeps at it, but he's just got to learn to fight on his back. he did have a fantastic reversal in that fight though.

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