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Classic Video Game Thread


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Y'know, whenever someone posts a PS1 game or something from the mid-90's I feel like those are too late to be considered classics. I was 10 when I was playing those... then I realize they're approaching 15 years old. Holy shit.

That being said, I finally found a good N64 emu and have been getting my Mario 64 fix the past week. No good serious racing games on N64, but I never got to play this past the demos in stores. It's damned good.

Oh, and a great old classic?


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  newaesthetic said:
That being said, I finally found a good N64 emu and have been getting my Mario 64 fix the past week. No good serious racing games on N64, but I never got to play this past the demos in stores. It's damned good.

Did you buy one of those weird N64 controller-USB things or are you playing on the keyboard? I couldn't pull it off on the keyboard personally. Maybe I was setting it up wrong. Really want to play Banjo & Kazooie.

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Just a normal keyboard on Project64. It's not perfect, but I've found their default setup to be more responsive somehow than the other emus I've tried. Then again, Mario doesn't require a lot of difficult button combos, never played Banjo so I don't know if it's similar.

Will say Goldeneye is basically impossible on anything other than easy. Haven't checked if I could properly map it to the mouse and keyboard though.

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Well, this is getting frustrating cos 4.0 won't let me in to half the pages I click.

Lots of old games, nothing obscure or oh yeah. Although I remember Spider-Man for 2600 being kind of fun. X-Wing and Tie Fighter for PC.

Soul Calibur, DOA2 and Power Stone(s) made Dreamcast worth getting. Fear Effect and Silent Bomber were awesome sleepers for PSX.

Metal Arms is a bit recent, but another sleeper.

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  jeepster said:
God I wish I could get Commander Keen to run on my Mac (don't feel like always having to switch to Boot Camp Windows). Love that game (kinda the genesis of this thread)

holy fuck commander keen brings back memories.

Kings Quest 1 anyone (and 7 for that matter)?

How about, I don't remember the name of it but you were a cowboy kind of (It was a computer game as well) and you were on a journey, all I remember is you had to get a horse without it kicking you to death, and you had to at one point escape from ants in this jungle by swinging across a vine. It's killing me that I forget the name, great game.

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virtual on is one of the fucking best, but i still have to resgister my view that its not a classic as a lot of people dont know about it, and it could be argued that anything after 91 is not valid for consideration... in the arcade playing it was so good, what nice fun robot action.

my contribution:

Blazing Lazerssssss!


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  Francis Xavier said:
nah, i don't think classic should be defined by age. if its good, i say go ahead and put it in here.

this statement blows the roof off of a ton more possibility's, nice.

for some reason i thought of this: i rented it and liked it a lot when in younger days...


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Only the finest 2D new generation RPG's available. Golden Sun is a masterpiece. It has everything an RPG or great story needs. Play it.







Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age took up directly from where Golden Sun left off. The game even aloud you to carry over items, characters, and Dijin from the previous game.





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Speaking of PC classic adventures, I hope everyone is familiar with SCUMM that allows to play many old adventure games on most modern platforms?


My favourite PC quest is Simon the Sorcerer and it works excellent under SCUMM.

The games has excellent humour, plot and graphics (especially if you consider that it's 16 years old!)


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