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Go Speedracer Go!

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Yah I know critics say it sucks,

but I just saw Speedracer and if this is what comicbook adeptations will look like in the future I am definitely game.

I felt like being a kid again (you know, that time before you discovered sex and stuff was still uncomplicated).

It was like a day in a themepark, a rollercoaster ride, too much sugar and those dreams you have when you have a fever all in one (not recommended when you're epileptic btw), crammed in an hour and a half.

And Christina Ricci!

So yea...

Hate all you want, I thought it was Pure Eye Candy!

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i dont know if iron man was good or not but robert downey jr was hot....

iron man looked good and wasn't too bad, but it kind of bothered me that it didn't stray too far away from the text book way to make a good movie

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Pretty awesome movie. I jsut hated how the cars literaly spun around the tracks. Otherwise, Go Speed Go.

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i loved it also. the car fighting was awesome, it was like they were doing air combos to each other. and trixie, mmmmm mmmmm mmh! cotton duck you are right.

christina ricci christina ricci christina ricci christina ricci christina ricci christina ricci christina ricci christina ricci christina ricci christina ricci christina ricci christina ricci

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awesome, i really loved speed racer when i was younger and hearing this good news is great. however, i dont know if i'd be able to persuade friends to go who have only seen the trailer. well i'll make sure to see it somehow, most likely not in theatres.

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