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Purchasing From YAHOO JAPAN?

Tampon of Fire

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Whats going guys.

I notice that yahoo japan seems to be more on point when it comes to clothing and since I am from the U.S. translations can be very sketchy at times. Can anyone help explain the keys to getting started on it. Any decent translators i can use? Ive been trying to figure this out for a minute now and I cant seem to get on the right track... Any info is greatly appreciated. If this is the wrong forum sorry but I notice many of you use yahoo japan.

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You cannot register or <u>directly</u> use Yahoo Japan unless you have a registered address in Japan. However, you can pay a middle man to bid on certain auctions for you. Check out www.rinkya.com or www.celga.com as outlets to bid on Yahoo Japan. They bid for you and then ship the items to you. I've used Celga successfully a couple times.

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Cool all the info is greatly appreciated,

What about that site rakuten? Do they require the use of celga as well? Or are they too a group of middle man bidders?

I seen some items Id like to order from them and would like to know the best way of going about it since the site needs to be translated. Sorry if im sounding redundant or jus plain stupid lol.

thanks again

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