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WDYWT- what do you weigh today?

dino might

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  • 4 weeks later...

After having at least 13 drinks over the course of yesterday, an entire bag of baked lays sour cream and onion chips and a whole california pizza kitchen sicilian pizza, i'm pretty sure i'm a few pounds heavier than friday. Fuck

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i think you forgot your "(10)" at the end there...

I wish. My body makes no sense. I weigh at least 20lbs less than everyone I know with a similar body type, but I look fatter than them. I've got a 17% body fat percentage too. If I'm lifting weights, I really have no problem lifting as much as them. I don't understand it.

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I wish. My body makes no sense. I weigh at least 20lbs less than everyone I know with a similar body type, but I look fatter than them. I've got a 17% body fat percentage too. If I'm lifting weights, I really have no problem lifting as much as them. I don't understand it.

Anorexia Nervosa


For people with anorexia, it really is true that one can never be too thin. Despite being underweight, anorexics see a fat person when they look in the mirror. What they don’t see is the tremendous physical and emotional damage that self-starvation inflicts, so they continue to diet, fast, purge, and over-exercise.

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Eh, if his stomach is really bigger than his waist then he may have a point. However, dieting isn't really the solution to fucked up proportions. Hit the weights brah.

Also, went to the doctor on Wednesday and got some official measurements:

63 kg / 184 cm


approx. 138.9 lbs / 6'0.4"

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Eh, if his stomach is really bigger than his waist then he may have a point. However, dieting isn't really the solution to fucked up proportions. Hit the weights brah.

Also, went to the doctor on Wednesday and got some official measurements:

63 kg / 184 cm


approx. 138.9 lbs / 6'0.4"

yo, from what I've seen you look totally alright.

but eh, sometimes smoking a lot has some effect on the stomach...

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