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Superfuture passaround book


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Guest chemi
  plongin said:
i hate to be some sort of spoiler, but isn't there some sort of cut-off? you know...a minimum requirement or something, so that we ensure the book isn't handed to some dude who's not up for the cause, and the book ends up missing or somethin?

how about a somewhat recognizable username that doesn't make us go "whodafuck"? sorry, just seems like a project that best be taken care of by the regulars.

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  chemi said:
how about a somewhat recognizable username that doesn't make us go "whodafuck"? sorry, just seems like a project that best be taken care of by the regulars.

I agree with this totally. It seems that theres a lot of regulars who want to get involved like Soundbomber, Keagan, Dum, and a few others. But there's there's a lot of the newer crowd that wants to get involved too. After looking at Dum's list, counted at least 38 people who are interested in this. So, we should try to keep it to people that are well know posters, at least with a post count of over 300, to this idea. A nice round number like 40 would be good and working with a 200 page notebook might be a good idea, because of the fact that each person gets five pages to work with. I'm also suggesting that if we get more people, we should get a bigger notebook if there is one out there.

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I suggest a heavy penalty for the user that loses the book in transit...

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why not a money deposit and then you'll get your money back when the projects done.

so you "buy" into it and then store the money in a safe place and at the end those who participated will get their money back

i dunno seems like a insurance kinda thing

quid pro quo

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  m1sterko said:
why not a money deposit and then you'll get your money back when the projects done.

so you "buy" into it and then store the money in a safe place and at the end those who participated will get their money back

i dunno seems like a insurance kinda thing

quid pro quo

There's really no need for that. Pretty much the problem with the denim world tour was that there was lack of communication between the people who were supposed to send it out and who was getting it. The big thing with a a few of them was that people who were banned from the boards all together, had joined tours and couldn't do them after being banned. There was mass confusion and no one had a clue where the jeans were going next. The idea of putting down a down payment on for your work is a little insane and also some of the people here don't have paypal or something like it. My suggestion is that if the book is lost, they have to buy a new one. It's simple as that. Let's start locking in dates and what we're gonna use for this and get this thing going.

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  whizkit said:
yup, and everyone should scan their work before sending it out to the next person. Maybe one person can collate the scans, so that if the book gets lost, we don't lose everything (though a scan is still not quite the same as the real thing).

This isn't a bad idea. It could work. What I was thinking for the writers in the book, back your stuff up in word or something similar, this way if the book gets lost, you can email you text to the person who lost it and they can put it back it the book somehow.

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I do actually agree that it should probably be kept just for people over a certain post count/people who are known by other people - there is a big issue of trust over sending this to someone who isn't well known/hasnt been here a long time.

sooo, for that reason im out. plus i can always get to see it if it's sent to alterion!

good luck with it tho!

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  Quixotic said:
I do actually agree that it should probably be kept just for people over a certain post count/people who are known by other people - there is a big issue of trust over sending this to someone who isn't well known/hasnt been here a long time.

i think i have enough faith in superfuture that people aren't specifically out to sabotage the book. i'll hand it off to khoiphan just so i can meet him in person. haha

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  rome1 said:
I think two pages ( left side and right side spread open)

and about 7-10 days creative time should be enough for anybody.

That sounds decent. I was thinking along the lines of five pages, considering that we might have people who be writing something, but that could work fine. I guess that I could try writing poetry. DUM, how do you feel about this idea.

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