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What Do You Think Of Barrack Obama Speech on Race


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1. that dmx joke is priceless.

2. probably the most important mainstream speech given by any politician in the last 40 years. that is, if you don't count barack's speech on the war a few years back, or the first 'yes we can' speech... like the meme making the rounds says, "don't you just want to vote the fuck out this motherfucker right here?"

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Guest chemi

how is Rev Wrights comments any different from what people have been saying about racism in America for DECADES? the blow-out over this is mostly a reminder of how ahistorical American society (or at least, its pundits) are - or pretend to be.

i don't understand white people sometimes.

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It was an amazing speech. I loved...

1. The middle finger he raised to to the whole pastor controversy. He knows which fights to pick, and he definitely knows not to play the stupid dirty political game.

2. Have we ever had a Presidential candidate that had the balls to address the racial division we face in this country to this extent? Don't think so.

I read the transcript first, then the actual clip. Obama is such a great public speaker, the transcript did not do him any justice.

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Guest spazzz
  insomaniac said:

I read the transcript first, then the actual clip. Obama is such a great public speaker, the transcript did not do him any justice.

I don't think he's a good public speaker at all. His use of hands the entire time always throws me off. I'm still voting for him though

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Guest spazzz
  Samson Graham said:
thats not called bad public speaking, thats called attention deficit disorder.

yeah because great speeches are given constantly waving your hands up in the air. bush doesn't even do that, and he's terrible

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I am a full Obama supporter. One thing that worries me is, if he becomes the next president, will he stay alive....

I can totally fucking see assassination attempts.

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  BodiesOfLight said:
I am a full Obama supporter. One thing that worries me is, if he becomes the next president, will he stay alive....

I can totally fucking see assassination attempts.

Lol my whole family including myself feel that way as well. I can't vote but it must be a pretty terrible feeling not wanting to vote for your favorite candidate simply because you fear he's going to be assassinated in his first term... Then again Mcain supporters have to deal w/ the fact that the dude is probably going to kick the bucket any day now.

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