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Cultural Question Please Help

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Hi Guys,

I'm doing an assignment for school and I need some input.

Basically, the idea is that people are getting fed up with the "soft, unnecessary, and contrived" products provided by companies and are taking things into their own hands by taking consumer goods and modifying them.

Alot of stuff on this board applies to this. Take Fixed Gear Bikes or welding multiple bikes together.

The image I was given is a pair of running sneakers with the front mesh cut off so it reveals your feet.

like people want the edge back. They want the visceral tougher experience. I think raw denim, in a way applies to this, but can you guys help me out with any other ideas?

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i have to write about anything that applies to this. Like taking something from the store and modifying it to make it more visceral or raw. Raw denim would be an example of this to its' fullest extension because there are companies creating the product. I'm looking for underground individual driven examples.

Fixed gear bikes is a good example, you create something out of existing parts that fits your desire for a better experience.

This does not only have to apply to sports.

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write about how when the ipod was first cracked, it was so hyped and then once steve jobs bought out the services of the people who did it, you now have things today such as the new generation applications etc. etc. www.apple.com

they made an announcement yesterday. or today. i dont remember.

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