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Best Prosumer / Professional Camcorder


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Alright fellow sufus, I am planning on starting a series of comedy shorts for my first ever film project. I have about $3500-$4000 saved up for a professional camcorder and I am looking for some advice. I have no access to preview the different models out there, but based on specs and reviews alone, I think the Canon XL2 and comparable Pana and Sony models in that price range are my best bet. I know there might be a few film students in here so help a brother out!

What is the best pro camcorder out right now for less than 4k?

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you, makingcomedy shorts?


save your goddamn $4,000

wow, what a useful post!

Is it too much of a stretch for you to possibly to consider that being a film student, this won't be my last production?

seriously STFU unless you actually have an opinion on the XL2 or similar cameras. I shouldn't have to waste my time listening to this kind of pussy "oh I wish I had 4k to spend on a camera to make my independant feature film about rainbows and unicorns, but I don't because I'm a complete fucking failure at life, so I'm going to act like a complete bitch because I suck" nonsense.

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If you're still in film school save your money and borrow whatever they have, unless it's complete crap.

You should look through the imdb "Shop Talk: Directors" forum. There's a lot of camera discussion over there.

yes its not really a very good production school. its a university so its mostly film theory and that aspect. IT really only has decent editing resources..I am basically learning the production part on my own... thanks for the input

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I just bought a Panasonic DVX100. I'm a third year film student. I've shot one feature and multiple shorts on the DVX and I really like it. With all the HD cameras out these days of course those are super desirable, but the DVX is still extremely quality in my opinion. Also you always have the possibility for adding on 35mm lens adapters like the Red Rock if you ever want an even more impressive image.

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yep I am definately looking at getting a 35mm adaptor... I'm trained in photography and being able to adjust depth of field is essential in most circumstances... at least for me and with what I think I want to do..

I think I'm pretty set on the dvx100 and an adaptor at this point

thanks for the perspective

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