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Cloak Spring Summer 2006 ~


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Just got back from the fashion runway show in SoHo. Fucking amazing. Hands down, a better concept than Dior's spring/summer and Ann Delakjdflkjdaf (whatever the belgians name is)... Everything bout this collection oozes with rock n' roll/punk. Like dior, skinny jeans still prevailed and I'm beginning to think by next season, it'll be the end of "bootcut/flare" forever...or until another resurgence. For the guy looking for slim blazers, Alexander did em naturally. Also cool were his new boots and sneakers, a mix of carpe diem/dior with some military punk. Prolly the best thing were the jackets, grays/blacks/cremes in trench, varsity, and riders in all these fucking amazing cuts and the striped sweaters and cardigans. I serously wish I had the money for it all...

Sorry for the low resolution. I took these pictures with my crappy samsung cellphone. >_<





















Edited by djrajio on Sep 13, 2005 at 08:06 PM

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really fucking bummed I had a class during the show, as I have a press pass for fashion week. This was one of the ones I was looking forward too.

There are better pictures on getty images, I have to say this is much more wearable seperately than the last few collections. I always felt that a piece didn't really look as nice unless you have the entire outfit, but these pieces I can see working individually on their own. I don't think its a good comparison to Ann Demeulemeester though, I prefer her styling a bit more.


Check the stockist on cloaks website. And I'm sure there is a small boutique somewhere that carries that and possibly dior homme. If not, Dior boutiques (except for the main paris ones) will do mail orders for you (your best bet is calling the NY boutique)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I scored my first Cloak black denim last Friday and I gotta say that the fit beats any of my Dior collections. It's skinny ass perfect, plus the detailing at the back and the leg opening is the best part. Did you guys see the boots on display for Spring 2006? I think it's so worth it. Too bad it's not for sale yet.

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^^ thanks bro. Nice, seems like TNT got some Cloak. Gotta check em out soon! Now I gotta find Dior Homme..

--- Original message by superposition on Sep 13, 2005 09:30 PM

TNT's been carrying Cloak for a couple seasons now. Very nice stuff, in addition to the Comme des garcons gear. As for Dior Homme available locally... AFAIK the only place in the city that did carry it was 83 Bloor but last I checked they dropped the line. I have no idea why holts has never picked it up.
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ehh.. http://mens.style.com/fashion

this is the place where you are supposed to check out collections unless you have access to the other sits (fashionwindow, catwalking etc.).

The cloack look for SS is really something. Can't wait to get my hands on it!

--- Original message by skecr8r on Sep 26, 2005 06:37 AM

Do we have any Cloak retailers in CPH? Or is it from ebay.. or shopping trips...?

I spoke to some guy @ Storm the other day and asked if they'll think about getting a brand as Cloak.. He told me that he was really amazed by the designs and he really liked it and maybe in some distant future they'll get it, but right now they don't have any space for another brand...

We should collect signatures... and convince him icon_smile_big.gif

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Quote: Got 'em for 320 US. I'm really no expert to tell if it's selvedge or not, sorry. Maybe some people here who have seen this in the store could help us. Thanks.

The jeans aren't selvedge. But they are made of an amazing denim with great details like the large rivets/buttons and the cut is amazing. If I had the dough, I'd grab the coudoroy trousors with the same cut. But after seeing the SS line, I'm gonna wait til the dinner blazers come out. Those cuts are fire.

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