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best jean spots in nyc?


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hey guys, this is my first post. i found this site to be very ineteresting and a lot more mature than others... well anywayz i would just like to know some good shops to visit in the NYC area for quality jeans. i really like prps jeans, but are just a lil too drastic. any help would be greatly appreciated.

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The Jean Shop. West 14th Street. If you're one of those who long to melt down some selvedge, put it in a spoon, cook it, and shoot it into your vein, well, then, you just might enjoy this place. If your ass is poor, working a part-time gig, or expecting to win Lotto, stay away. If you're still sucking on daddy's teat, or got your own game goin' on, give it a whirl. Shit is all custom. They'll do whatever you want to the denim to suit your taste. For an additional price. But you knew that. Their price$ are psychotic. The suede jackets rock. But not for $950. I was just in there after about nine months, and those jackets were still hanging on the rack. And, no, they ain't selling them. They would sell more at a more reasonable $600-700 price point. And $230 dollars for a denim workshirt? Bwahahahaha! Hilarious. Buy one from Sugar Cane instead. I did. It is Selvedge and set me back $85 only. You're not stupid, are you? Ok, their hoodies and sweatshirts are boss and are around $100- $150. Very comfortable. Variety of colors. I forget how their T's are priced. Probably about $50, or so, I'd guess. The decor is cool. They're working the inside of a ranch thingee. Shit hanging from the walls. Behind glass. Nice belts.

I'm in need of a good laugh. I'll have to take my ass down to Cloak. That oughta be a riot.

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