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it'll probably be at least another month before local S/S stuff starts to come in, Aussie designers are pretty slow to release new clothes. looking forward to seeing the new con stuff.

home, you pull the trigger on the FG leather jacket at fat?

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yeah, AUD dive is killing me. shouldve got moaaaaar shit when it was near-parity.

DJI, jacket looked so nice, but had to resist on account i'm about to head overseas and figured the money was best spent elsewhere..

maybe next season.

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think van she are playing prince friday night if youre interested in that

also kooks just announced to play falls, incase you missed out on tix to their aug show.

anyone know where i can pick up a nice daypack? havent rocked backpack steez since school, but will need something durable for travel. simple like this AA pack but perhaps with better construction / moar support..


puh-leeeeeeease. would kop nice leather backpack but too much moniez.

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northface bag maybe? altitude or whatever its called on elizabeth st has them, probably set you back about $90 for a reasonably sized one.

good move on the FG jacket, the design is interesting (really like how the zip extends around the back of the neck) but the leather and construction isn't particularly impressive considering it costs $1300. much nicer leathers in japanland for a similar price ;)

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getting close to Julius prices yeah haha. viridi-anne leather jackets are around that price point and lithium homme retail for less than 1K.

aren't Julius making larger sizes this season to cater for the western market? tbh I don't know whether RO is worth the money, I wasn't really blown away by the leather they used last season and the new F/W stuff looks kinda shiny and cheap.

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dude, try to get that cash together. that was the one jacket from last season that I really wanted, and it's selling cheap too. even with the fucked up AUD it still beats paying well over 3K for it at assin haha. it's the sort of jacket that you would still be wearing years from now :cool:

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getting close to Julius prices yeah haha. viridi-anne leather jackets are around that price point and lithium homme retail for less than 1K.

aren't Julius making larger sizes this season to cater for the western market? tbh I don't know whether RO is worth the money, I wasn't really blown away by the leather they used last season and the new F/W stuff looks kinda shiny and cheap.

Hey DJI where do you get your jurius? Zekka, here or Japanlandz? ie rakuten, store blogs.. I would love to know how much they sell for here hmm.. might shoot of an email reminder .

I keep looking at http://www.noseglass.com more for DBSS.. I really can't get enough of TVA, DBSS & Jurius

i have a problem

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j I get my stuff proxied from japan. zekka didn't buy anything in size 1 and I'm sure the mark up would be pretty severe anyway. pm'd you a list of webstores man :cool:

thanks again for that. yeh i will most probably get personal proxy at some stage in the next 5 months to prep for next winter.

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nice. I'm holding off on upgrading to the 3G until someone releases proper GPS software on app store (besides, I prefer the brushed aluminium backing on my 2G :cool:)

anyone checked out the claude maus store lately? apparently new season stock arrived today

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