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Scarlett Johansson makes me feel all warm inside

mike lowrey

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  Music for the Masses said:
dayum... i always thought that she was over-rated... but after seeing some of those pics... wow.

but she's no alba. still tops in my book.

Agreed on both counts.

Jeter had scarlett, biel and alba? Add Natalie Portman to that list and this guy has fucked all my favourites. Prick.

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sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh

yeah, and she's the only reason why I watched eight legged freaks and perfect score.

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  thelion1856 said:
the greatest girlfriend a guy could ever have? she loves how your obsessed with sufu and becomes a lurker here, thinking its cute that you "internet buddies" made an appreciation thread about her. She contacts samurai in japan and buys you their entire 07A/W collection sent to the pad. She starts wearing raw selvage herself. Her paparazzi pics of both of you show a clean cuffed selvage line with incredible stacking. "Us" magazine notices she wears the same jeans everyday and notices the slight changes in them while she has been dating you and does a 6 month comparison photo spread of the changes in her jeans. The magazine has no idea what brand of jeans she is wearing and makes an article about the actresses "mystery jeans".

As her obsession with japanese denim, sufu liked brands and you grows, you realize you are one lucky motherfucker just as you walk in the door she is laying on this couch waiting for you from your hard days work. So you snap this picture with the Canon EOS SLR she bought you because of the SLR thread on sufu....

Yes, yes, but I don't see these mystery denims with the amazing stacking in this photo!

Nor that nipple.

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It is just disconcerting when an attractive girl goes from having regular, nice breasts to porno breasts.

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I always thought she had relatively big boobs as a 14 year old (or however old she was in ghost world). She's a bit older, a bit curvier(not in a fat way) and has access to the best push up bras money can buy.

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let me help you out ^.

not tired so ill load the link above

Scarlett Fever

Top 10 Video Tribute To Scarlett Johansson

#10 Scarlett covers up her boob at the last minute - Dammit!! They holy grail was in our grasp, Doctor Jones!


#9 Eight-Legged Freaks - Rumor has it, she was cast because of the two-headed monster below her neck.


#8 Scarlett's Calvin Klein Commercial - Wouldn't it be nice to be really, really, really good looking and hang out with Scarlett Johansson?


#7 The Island Music Video - Scarlett Johansson in a skin tight white body suit, running around for two hours. That's easily te smartest decision Michael Bay has ever made.


#6 Long Song For Bobby Long - Scarlett's co-star does a little finger painting in the car.


#5 Saturday Night Live - Scarlett wants you to buy some Marble Columns


#4 What Goes Around Comes Around Video - Damn that Justin Timberlake. Damn him!!!


#3 Lost In Translation - The infamous booty shot that started it all.


#2 Match Point - Scarlett getting her freak on


#1 The Boob Grab Heard Round The World - Every man's dream realized...by a gay guy.


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i'll be the voice of dissent and say she is "celebrity average". she looks like the type of hot chick they put on an episode of Law and Order. She's has a good body but I dont get the hype. flame me

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  Tarmac said:
i'll be the voice of dissent and say she is "celebrity average". she looks like the type of hot chick they put on an episode of Law and Order. She's has a good body but I dont get the hype. flame me


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