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IC: Hare M65 Jacket BNWT


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Hey guys, I am going to Hong Kong for a few days. I just want to see how many of you are interested in Hare M65 Jackets. I can get my hand on a few Smalls and maybe Mediums. You can reserve by PMing me, and I will make a list on here. NO payment will be made until I get the jackets and Post pictures on here. Thank you!

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Mediums = Smalls

Larges = Mediums according to measurement

Sorry for the confusion.

But these are not rip-offs, they are Hare.

And due to high demand, I am gonna no longer accept anymore reservations, all those who PMed are answered, and you have a reserved spot. Pricing and avaliblility won't be known until I get them, I will not jack up the price.

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