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so i decided im gonna do a little journal n track my trip day to day.... so here it is...

Day 1:

arrived at laguardia at about 11

got to hotel On the Ave. n loafted for a while

went to eat some lunch at Isabella's

came back to the hotel slept a bit (some more haha)

went to a broadawy show... All Shook Up (not my choice but im here iwth the parents) it was good tho

wwent out to some place n got lobster for 12$ ha

left the parents then n ewnt to Jakes dillema (even though im 17) n got crunk with my buddy.

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haha this ones for you hynot... if you dont anna read... dont

today ent to the east side n did the supreme, clientele, ssur, union n the likes. all i got as a supreme x umbro jersey n a supreme freedom hat i think its called. n then got a gravis backpack.

ate some more lobster for lunch n ent to abercrombie ith my buddy... hes into that kinda ish. pretty good looking girls orking there.

so shop revies... (ps. my doubleyou key doesnt ork)

Supreme: good sale on right no, got the umbro jersey for more than 50% off. got it for 50 bucks. there ere three dudes orking... the blonde one as the only one that talked. n he helped out alot. but only after my dad came into the shop n as talking to him about the mike tyson video they ere playing. he as more than eager to find us different sizes n colours. even asking us before e asked him. the hat that i liked from the rack had mad seat stains in it already so he got a different one for us. ent to stackhouse... meh. didnt look around too much in there

Clientel: english or australian dude orking as sorta a bitch but that as because e ent in before they ere opened haha. so its for us to blame. i liked their zipup hoodies. they had em matching ith some popular nikes. the blue pinstripes, i noticed the reese forbe dunk match also. but they ere 150 so i didnt bother. lots of shoes though.

Ssur: didnt have much at all. sale on tshirts 30% off.

Union. Good selection had 4 flavours of the visvim FBT's selling em for 220 i think i heard the girl say. super small shop but they pack it in there. i anted to get a hundreds t but they didnt have any to my liking really. they also had a tshirt sale rack. i cant remember _hat the sale _as though.

Michael K.: ent last year n got some safari's. didnt see anything i liked thre this year. takl about jumping on the bandagon ith them. seems to follo every trend they can. lots of selection of lots of brands. nothing i like though.

stay tuned for stussy, headporter, DQM in _hich i'll hopefully be going to tomorro.

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another day of shopping in the big city.

stores _ent to today:




alife and the rivington club



Nom de Guerre

atrium: tonnes of denim but i feel like im being bombarded so i couldnt stay in there too long... also i tried to snap a picture off of these rigid blue bloods that i liked n got hassled by a staff member

stussy:... its stussy.good stuff, like the ne_ 'old' shirts... bringing stuff back from the past years.

yea i dont feel like typing too much else. any questions... ask. i'll post some pictures _hen i get home.

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well im back home now. my laptop in the hotel stopped working with the message

"beggining dump of physical memory

dump of physical memory complete"

so i dont think thats too good.

but yesterday i was in my hotel room all day throwing up.

the previous night went down to around 3rd and 34th to a club n had a bunch to drink

now its for sure... 'beer before liquor youve never been sicker'

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haha yea it was like a family trip... me my younger brother my mom n dad n then my friend n his mom n dad. but i dunno my dads alot different than most old men. i know this especially cause the supreme guys liked him. n he was crunk everynight just like me... but not with me. n he's the one with the american money thats excited his son (me) is going off to college so he was down with getting me outfitted.

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