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Apc - Dry Clean?


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hi, i have a pair of APC new standards in unwashed indigo that i bought in september this year. when bought i was told to only dry clean them, and the 'denim washing recipe' that came with the jeans reads (for the extremist recipe):

"let your jeans get dirty for as long as possible.

first wash: dry clean.

following washes: soak your jeans for about an hour in water with a little special dark laundry detergent, rinse, roll in a terrycloth towel and hang up to dry."

ok, the jeans have got sufficiently baggier in the 3 months i have had them, they have not been washed and i didnt intend to wash them for some time. i am new to this raw denim enthusiast business, but basically all i want to do is make the jeans tighter as they were before, but change the colour or the feel of the denim as little as possible.

i took the jeans to 2 dry cleaners yesterday and neither would touch them as there was no symbol or mention of them being dry cleanable on the care label. they said the jeans would ruin their machines. i dont see the point of APC instructing me to dry clean them and not wash when no dry cleaner will accept them, it seems stupid.

can anyone suggest what i should do to shrink the jeans to the size they were originally, changing everything else about them as little as possible.

any suggestions would be most appreciated, i have no experience in these matters and dont want to ruin the jeans.


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