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hotel in tokyo


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Don't know whether these places have vacancies but the Granbell http://www.granbellhotel.jp/index_e.html in Shibuya is in a good location and the Claska http://www.claska.com/ is a popular media choice (including by this website) and has a slick bar lobby to hang out in.

Also, if you feel like slummin' or fuckin for that matter there are always love hotels everywhere http://gridskipper.com/travel/tokyo/how-to-stay-overnight-in-a-love-hotel-35195.php

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But seriously, dont they have anyone cleaning those place up? I mean doesnt the government provide them with shelter home or give them pensions? Its shocking to see this in a developed country like Japan.

I was actually watching a news thing about this the other day. Apparently there are shelters/work support programs but they don't get used at all. Probably something to do with stupid pride and the resulting unwillingness to reach out for help.

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