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FUCK THE USPS! an open thread....


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This is not the thread I wanted to see today. I just sent Sid my jeans with usps and I have another pair on their way to me via usps. Mother fuckers better not screw it up. I got super insurance, tracking, and confirmation.

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Lacey's USPS is ok, we get the occasional crazy bitch yelling at people. But the USPS by Sidney's house was not cool..and I was just mailing some fucking [cheesy ass] postcards.

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dont shoot the messenger but

  minya said:
The USPS is the cheapest and most efficient postal service in the world, hands down.

god i hate being so nerdy that i actually remembered this post.

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I prefer USPS over any other service. Mainly because of it's cheap shipping rates. I haven't encountered any problems with USPS so I'll continue to ship via USPS. I actually just shipped out some goods earlier today. The usual clerks ay my local post office are always helpful and kind. One time I was going to ship back some shoes to Blackbird in Seattle and I wanted to compare shipping prices between UPS and USPS .UPS was going to charge me 30$ just to ship there, when it cost me only 11$ via USPS . I'm guessing UPS is more secure and what not, but USPS is ok in my book.

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USPS in Philly is pretty nice. The post office by 30th Street Station on Market is super-sweet -- it looks like something from a 1930's movie set.

The only thing I don't like is that they don't pick up my mail and they leave packages outside when it's raining all the damn time. But in general they are cheaper and more convenient than other services. However, if I'm at work, I FEDEX shit on their dollar

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Guest supernoob
  DUM said:
Lacey's USPS is ok, we get the occasional crazy bitch yelling at people. But the USPS by Sidney's house was not cool..and I was just mailing some fucking [cheesy ass] postcards.

you can buy stamps wit da automatic machine then put iti n a mialbox nigga

it mite already hav postage on dat bitch. den u just drop it in a mial slot

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when it comes to packages though, EMS has everyone beat. theyre amazingly fast, and come by at 9-10:30AM

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  • 6 months later...

1) No training whatsoever. I've actually had clerks try and convince me that registered mail is the only way to get tracking.

2) I've seen SO many problems with their package delivery. Our postman likes to bring those little pink slips that tell you you've got a package, which they're supposed to bring only AFTER a delivery attempt. Usually they just bring the slip. Then when you go to the post office, they don't have/can't find your package. Dropping a package on my porch when nobody is home is "delivered?" Having someone a block away sign for my package is acceptable signature!? wut?

3) Service window/employee ratio. Explain to me the logic of having 35 service windows and only 3 clerks actually working.

4) Packaging stinginess! Go to usps.com and you can get 8 billion flat-rate priority mail boxes for free. Ask for more than one at the post office and you'd think you were personally responsible for the holocaust.

5) Unbelievably confusing international shipping rules. Global priority mail is trackable. Except in countries where it's not. Or where they forget to scan your labels, oops! Express mail 3-5 business days, except when your mailing label got wet because some asshole forgot to close the clear plastic sleeve. Then you end up stuck in customs for 6 weeks. Oops!

6) Why the GOOD GAWD can't you just buy as much insurance as you want online. I have to go to the fucking post office just to buy insurance even though I can buy postage, fill out the customs envelope and everything online!?

All this said, as earlier posters have said USPS is MUCH better in terms of the basic level of service they provide. Try living in france. You'll REALLY start tearing your hair out.

Also, no customs fees in US. Heh

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USPS is pretty good to me . its fucking FedEx and UPS that pisses me off. for UPS it seems like they ring my door bell for 1 minute and run back to truck... i look out the window guy is running back to truck with my package :/

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You think USPS is bad?

The all mighty Phillipine Postal service has to be one of the worst fucking postal institution there is in the world.

If ever you recieve a parcel from overseas you have to go to the postal office and pay PHP35 for "holding fee" what fucking country aside from the PHL does this shit?


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