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i can't hate too much on NT... i've been on there for years - and it's still one of the best places to get info on sneakers - despite the hype and dunk-centric discussions.

yeah, there's a ton of idiots that post up in there. and yeah, theres a ton of hype/ebay/reseller whores there as well.

but what is supertalk gonna look like in a year or two? prolly no different.

No Shirt. No Shoes. No Dice.

Learn it. Know it. Live it.

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^^^i hope not, thats why i come here, cause its low key....people on this board are actually passionate about their sub culture as opposed to the lames on NT who come for the hype and to re-sell.....that f**king tiffany dunk thread is at like 85 pages......THEY ARE JUST A PAIR OF SHOEs...things just arent the same anymore....I find it hard to get excited about a lot of that stuff anymore.....the whole attitude is just not the same......thats why i just spend time in the general forum, I stop coming to NT for shoe news a long time ago....

Quote: Kixslf, did you really buy your Rescues in a size 36? If so, you must have returned them right?

yeah I did and they fit fine...they are standerds so that may have to do something with it...they are starting to stretch a bit but its prolly cause im really rough on em. I go skate in em like every day so......but honestly, they measure in at 35.5......i bet they'll fit amazing after i get to wash em

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hey sriracha hot sauce....

have you ever hard boiled an egg and eat it with sriracha hot sauce? shits goooooood!

niketalk needs to be at least 16 and up. airrev needs to comeback. nike sb needs their own forum as oppossed to smashing it in with retro.

anything great will be liked by many. true story.

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fuck off niketalkers

--- Original message by aitsuka on Aug 4, 2005 07:56 AM

icon_smile_shock.gif wow! is this really you?


if so, i would love to meet you on the street one day.....

--- Original message by PETEROCK1 on Aug 5, 2005 09:23 AM

Wow! We have an E-Thug in the house. Everyone quick, start shaking in your boots!
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how's that e-thuggin? i just said i would like to meet him on the street someday... i didn't say i'll do some damage once i see him. damn so quick to judge! whatever.

--- Original message by PETEROCK1 on Aug 5, 2005 10:38 AM

You're so coy.
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Lemme try and speak some truth. The Nt'ers you see posting are what I call recognizable veterans and have thousands of posts on NT. From what I see, they are well-mannered and aren't so much your typical "hypebeasts". Since I've been been a lurker on both forums for a while and then signed up for both at the same time a while so I've had a chance to see how each forum "functions".

The Supertalk crowd don't have beef with the NT'ers that come here, only the clusterfuck of what NT is. Since these NT'ers are well respected and their styles are frequently "borrowed", the supertalk peeps fear exploitation of a product (ie. a.p.c denim) they have grown to love. I'm a frequent viewer of the "What did you wear" because of the comedy and some of the hot kicks that show up and I notice many NT'ers asking about the jeans of peterock1, kixslf and ebayologist. These guys know wassup and are rocking a.p.c a lot, the brand supertalk proudly endorsing. Since supertalkers have spent so much time discussing and supportly the brand they don't want the product to go to the masses so soon even though it's inevitable. Frankly, I'm more of an all around fashion person and most NT'ers I see don't have the flavour to rock the shit but they just want to follow what the top cats are copping and rocking.

To conclude, we don't have beef with you NT'ers that come here. Please continue to reach the site to share your ideas and questions.

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^^^thank you for that. I really appreciate it...i'm starting to understand whats going on and its finaly nice to not feel so outcast on this forum.....

like i said before, we all come here for the same reason.....i'm not here to talk about shoes, nor will i ever be...ill leave that to NT and ISS......


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first off i dont own apc denim, second off i dont wear tight denim third of all im not "mad" i just feel that certain people on that site (new jacks) rag counture culture and make a big deal out of nothing...im into sneakers but i dont need to flaunt around and talk about them all the time. i dont believe the hype because when it comes down to it, most of these kids that buy sb's are just getting brainwashed and giving into nike but more so the hype!!! i cant front cause i have a shit load of sneakers but it just bothers me to see some of these cats!!! but welcome to superfuture! i dont mind at all to see people on here providing a different aspect to the culture!

Edited by protectthagoons on Aug 5, 2005 at 09:36 PM

Edited by protectthagoons on Aug 5, 2005 at 09:40 PM

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i'm sorry but "what did you wear today" threads on NT are straight up gay. is there really a need to showoff the apcs or the clothes you wear on NT? unecessary promo to heads who don't know - and shouldn't know... and because of that you bring the mass of "newjack" NTers here. you just left them a trail.

yah, a bit elitist but hey just being honest.

my 2 cents.

it's just a phase and you know damn well that you'll fall off in a minute cause that shit don't sell"

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