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UF student tasered for asking Sen. Kerry some Q's... Viva America!


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There's many many more angles/views...

What are your thoughts?



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Sahlan, use the youtube tag and just throw in the code after the = (watch?v=_____)

As for the kid, it was reported he was already being chased by the officers as he arrived into the auditorium, and afterwards he resisted arrest by breaking away from them. That's the argument that will hurt his cause, but I disagree with what happened.

Funny that the second there's an overzealous political youngster, they're quick to taser 'em.

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police b tazin mdd niggaz i 4 1 oppose it in genrl cuz it can b uze no niggaz b speekin up dat shit b mad DANGEROUS shit WILL FUK U UP police shud treet lyk gun if U AINT GONNA SHOOT A NIGGA DEN DONT TAZE HIM but ppl dun giv a fuk most ppl lyk 2 liv in polic est8 so we GOT 1 NINE-1-1 IZ A JOKE

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I know that fucking kid.

I couldn't believe when i watched the video and saw that it was this kid meyer who was on my intramural basketball team in the spring. He wasn't that good a basketball player though. He mainly just filled space on D and boarded. I knew i should've gone. It was really weird to see him screaming and being tazered a bunch though. I guess he's not up for basketball this semester....

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yea there was no need to tase a motherfucker especially since by the time they tased him, he was already on the floor with mad cops on top of him. really didn't see the point of it.

at first, it seemed the two cops only wanted to escort him outside or whatever, not necessarily arrest him. but he definitely made shit worse by acting all hysterical and trying to play the role of the victim. that's waht brought all the other cops on top of him. if you're going to resist the cops, then you'd be an idiot not to expect them to just carry you out the building. which is why i kinda laughed (inside, of course) when he was yelling "police brutality" and somewhat hoping that the members of the audience would miraculously come to his aid. the taser was a bit much though.

anyways, the part that remains unanswered for me is whether the cops were justified in wanting to escort (or maybe even arrest) the kid out in the first place. if it was just a case of the kid being a frenetic moron asking a bunch of questions that weren't sitting too well with a few people, then that's some fucked up shit. but if the kid deserved it, then hey he deserved it. kinda makes me want to see the whole story, including the part before he got on the mic.

i've been joke tased before. it burned and felt kinda funny afterwards. wasn't a high-voltage police taser though.

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Raskol- The cops shouldn't have even been involved according to people there. The kid was asking kerry some questions and Accent (the UF group in charge of bringing speakers to the school) cut off his mic because they didn't want to have any questions that would make kerry uncomfortable. He got pissed when they cut his mic and kept asking why they won't let him ask the question. He got too vocal about it and Accent sent some cops to bring him out of the building. He made shit worse by acting dumb. The cops shouldn't have really been involved in the first place, let alone taze him multiple times. This is what i hear from friends at the event. I haven't talked to meyer since last semester though. Seems UF officials have put a slight spin on the even though from media reports vs. first hand accounts.

Also, kerry apparently was joking about the situation afterwards too, which was kind of classless.

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thanks for clearing that up. i thought the whole point of town forums was to make it completely open so the public can ask whatever questions they want? Accent needs to step up their game.

and yea, kerry was already making jokes when the the guy was on the floor screaming.

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I love the very officla swept-under-the-rug type response from Kerry...


"In 37 years of public appearances, through wars, protests and highly emotional events, I have never had a dialogue end this way," Kerry said in a statement. "I believe I could have handled the situation without interruption, but I do not know what warnings or other exchanges transpired between the young man and the police prior to his barging to the front of the line and their intervention. I asked the police to allow me to answer the question and was in the process of responding when he was taken into custody."

"I was not aware that a taser was used until after I left the building," he continued. "I hope that neither the student nor any of the police were injured. I regret enormously that a good healthy discussion was interrupted."

Yeah, you didn't hear the pansey ass yelling. Right.

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It is supposed to be completely open. Accent and their allocation of funds for speakers has been questioned tons of times in the student paper. No one really likes the organization and most the speakers are relatively pointless. I mean, this open forum would've been cool 3 years ago.

I'm guessing accent wanted to avoid having a guy like him (who is a bit much i admit) asking tough or embarassing questions to the speakers so they can have a reputation as being easy publicity for big name speakers. It's a lot easier to get speakers when they know they will be tossed hanging curve balls all day. Not that his questions were good, but still, if they're that stupid, then address them and move on.

This is the same group that brought us Jose Conseco 2 years ago. I actually went and it was the most boring speech ever. I'm done with UF news though. It was still kinda surreal to see him on youtube though considering i didn't know it was him when i heard about it.

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This is fucking scary to me. It made me remember the UCLA incident, just from last year. If you haven't heard about that, its online as well. Actually I'm gonna find it...

A warning, this one is hard to watch.

This was a case where a student at UCLA (of Arab decent...I believe) was arrested in the school library stemming from him simply giving some backtalk to the librarian when they wouldn't let him in without his school ID. So he ended up getting BRUTALLY tasered by the LAPD (I think UCLA doesnt have its own campus security, they just call LAPD). You talk about excessive force, this is like 7 minutes of giving this kid voltage. Its a miracle he didn't die as a result of all that.

And it all makes me think....WHY didn't anybody do anything? I'm just shooting off at the mouth here, because I wouldn't have the courage to try and stop the police. But it all comes back to this one idea that we've been trained to forget in this country, and thats that together we outnumber them. I think it becomes especially necessary like in the case of the UCLA incident, where that guy's life was at stake. Its like if you get up to try and stop them, and nobody follows you, you're just gonna get killed or get your ass kicked too. And in other countries that mentality is viewed upon as ridiculous, if you see something wrong you should do something about it. But in America we've been conditioned with irrational obedience.

Just crazy. This put me in a weird mood today.

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well. its definately police brutality. doesn't matter whether Accent was uncomfortable with the kid or not, they should've had someone come out and warn him rather than accosting him with 5 cops, tasing him, and then sending him to county.

its a lovely world we live in.

oh yeah, fuck you tucker carlson for being a conservative piece of shit and your dumbass ties. he's like bill o'reilly jr.

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