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How to buy an alligator belt?


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I finally saw alligator leather belts being sold at the local mall. So, for those of you who wear them, how do you tell the quality of alligator leather? Is it just the pattern of the scales, or is there more to it?

Also, what do you wear them with? Do you need to be wearing alligator shoes only, or can they be used largely as a substitute for a dress black leather belt?

This is from a brand called Montblanc, and was being sold for about $190 on full retail.


Edited by josepidal on Jul 28, 2005 at 06:04 AM

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Yes, she doesn't know jack about them.

Given the standards of living here, it's impossible to find store attendants who know the luxury products they sell, much less use them or know anyone who does.

Like I told you, this was the first time I even saw an actual alligator belt here in my life.

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Quote: just don't wear two different textures

that's not a hard and set rule. the belt looks like it can be worn with most black shoes that have a bit of shine to them. exotic skin black belts are dressier, so should be the shoes as well.

don't try to match perfectly, you'll look like you're trying too hard.

personally, i like understated belts...as they are only something used to hold up your trousers.

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